@arduino/node-red-contrib-arduino-iot-cloud 1.1.0

Node-RED nodes to talk to Arduino IoT Cloud

npm install @arduino/node-red-contrib-arduino-iot-cloud


This module implements Node-RED nodes for interacting with Arduino IoT Cloud. Multi Arduino Accounts are allowed.

Docker and Node-RED installation

The easiest way to install Docker on a linux system is to use the convenience script:

curl -sSL https://get.docker.com/ | sh

To install Node-RED you can use the official docker container:

docker run -it -p 1880:1880 -v myNodeREDdata:/data --name mynodered nodered/node-red


Just search node-red-contrib-arduino-iot-cloud in the Node-RED palette manager and click on install

Or you can install the plugin by using npm in your $HOME/.node-red directory:

npm install @arduino/node-red-contrib-arduino-iot-cloud


If you're using a service hosting your node-red instance and you want to be sure that you're using the latest version of node-red-contrib-arduino-iot-cloud published on npm, you might need to force require an update.

You can use either one of these methods:


  1. Obtain Client ID and Client Secret from the integrations webpage by clicking on Create API key
  2. Go to Node-RED web page
  3. Select one Arduino nodes from the pallete and drag to a flow
  4. Double click on the node
    • set a new connection
      • select 'Add new arduino-connection...' in the field 'Connection'
      • Click edit (Pencil button)
      • Insert a connection name, Client ID and Client Secret (collected at point 1)
      • Click Add
    • Select a thing
    • Select a Property
    • Set a name
  5. Connect Arduino property input node to other nodes to consume data coming from a thing property.
  6. Send a payload to the Arduino property output node to change the value of a thing property.


property (In)

This node injects in the flow the changed value of a specific Arduino IoT Cloud property.

property (Out)

This node update a specific Arduino IoT Cloud property with the value received in input


This node injects in the flow a set of values of an Arduino IoT Cloud Property based on the node configuration. Node parameter:

  • Time Filter: defines time range for historical values


This node injects in the flow the value of an Arduino IoT Cloud Property with a periodicity based on the node configuration. Node parameter:

  • Poll Every: defines polling time interval (seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks)


This node injects in the flow the value of an Arduino IoT Cloud Property after receiving an input event.

Node Info

Version: 1.1.0
Updated 1 week, 4 days ago
Rating: 4.1 9





36 in the last week


  • arduino-connection


  • node-red
  • Arduino
  • IoT
  • Cloud