Identify objects in an image and each pixel of the image to a particular object

This flow uses the deep learning model from the Model Asset Exchange to identify objects in an image, additionally assigning each pixel of the image to a particular object. Refer to the documentation for information about the returned message.

Install the following two modules to run this example flow:

Note: The image-segmenter node has been pre-configured to use a hosted evaluation instance. We recommend using your own local or cloud instance for non-development use.

[{"id":"7fbd0b65.a9fb64","type":"tab","label":"Image Segmentation example flow","disabled":false,"info":"This flow uses the deep learning model from the Model Asset Exchange to identify objects in an image, additionally assigning each pixel of the image to a particular object. Refer to the documentation for information about the returned message.\n\nInstall the following two modules to run this example flow:\n - [node-red-contrib-model-asset-exchange](\n - [node-red-contrib-browser-utils](\n \n> Note: The image-segmenter node has been pre-configured to use a hosted evaluation instance. We recommend using your own local or cloud instance for non-development use."},{"id":"e3e7d43a.641db8","type":"debug","z":"7fbd0b65.a9fb64","name":"","active":true,"tosidebar":true,"console":false,"tostatus":false,"complete":"true","x":610,"y":120,"wires":[]},{"id":"884f9fce.be57d","type":"fileinject","z":"7fbd0b65.a9fb64","name":"","x":140,"y":120,"wires":[["df973780.0f66a8"]]},{"id":"6988eedb.2f302","type":"camera","z":"7fbd0b65.a9fb64","name":"","x":150,"y":180,"wires":[["df973780.0f66a8"]]},{"id":"c785e84c.be4d58","type":"comment","z":"7fbd0b65.a9fb64","name":"Identify objects in an image, additionally assigning each pixel of the image to a particular object.","info":"","x":370,"y":40,"wires":[]},{"id":"df973780.0f66a8","type":"image-segmenter","z":"7fbd0b65.a9fb64","service":"c1a3f61b.3f9d28","method":"predict","predict_image":"","predict_imageType":"str","name":"","x":358,"y":120,"wires":[["e3e7d43a.641db8"]]},{"id":"c1a3f61b.3f9d28","type":"image-segmenter-service","z":"","host":"","name":"cloud"}]

Flow Info

Created 6 years, 6 months ago
Rating: not yet rated




Node Types

  • comment (x1)
  • debug (x1)


  • max
  • image
  • segmenter
  • deep
  • learning
  • segmentation
  • CV
  • pixel
  • recognize
  • object
  • identify
Copy this flow JSON to your clipboard and then import into Node-RED using the Import From > Clipboard (Ctrl-I) menu option