node-red-subflow-axis-provisioning 1.1.8
Axis device staging and mass configuration
Axis Device Provisioning
This is a subflow published as an Node-RED node that is used to simplify multi-device provisioning/staging and mass-configuration when it is not possible to use AXIS ADM or ADMx.
You must import/update node-red-contrib-axis-com as this subflow depnds on it.
The subflow requires two input properties:
- msg.config
- msg.inventory
You can import a Template Flow as a starting point, example and inspiration.
There are three outputs:
- Status: A message when each configuration in a device is set
- Complete: When a device is configured
- Error: A message on every error that may occur
Example of msg.inventory
A list of devices that will be provisioned. If static is set it will set static IPv4 address.
msg.invenetory = [
"properties": {
"name": "some-hostname",
[OPTIONAL: Set static IP address]
"static": {
"address": "",
"router": ""
"properties": {
"name": "some-hostname",
[OPTIONAL: VAPIX Request only for this device]
"vapix:" [
"method": "post",
"cgi": "/axis-cgi/param.cgi",
"body": "action=update&root.ImageSource.I0.Rotation=180"
Example msg.config
The config holds all configuration. You can remove properties that you do not want or set them to false. Values with empty data will not be commited to the provisioning nor will they produce an error.
Up to three accounts can be set. The first account is the main account that will be used for all configurations. This means that the device must have this user/password. If the device is at factory default state, the device will be initiated with the main account.
msg.config.accounts = [
"name": "root",
"password": "pass",
"privileges": "Admin"
[OPTIONAL: Add additional accounts]
"name": "account2",
"password": "account2",
"privileges": "Operatror"
"name": "account3",
"password": "account3",
"privileges": "Viewer"
Set the device timezone and NTP server. Lookup on
msg.config.time: {
timezone: "Europe/Stockholm",
[OPTIONAL: Specific NTP servers]
ntp: [""]
Set the Dynamic Name Server.
msg.config.dns: ""
msg.config.dns: ["",""]
Set zipstream and minimum fps Values:
- Disable = "off"
- Low = 10
- Medium = 20
- High = 30
- Higher = 40
- Extreme = 50
msg.config.zipstream = {
"strength": 20,
[OPTIONAL: Minimum FPS on low motion]
"minfps": 15
Set the cconnection policy Values are "Http","Https" & "HttpAndHttps" Connection poicy. Values may be "Http","Https" & "HttpAndHttps"
msg.config.tls = {
"policy": "HttpAndHttps"
Up to two text overlay can be set
"text": "%F %X",
"position": "topLeft",
"textColor": "white",
"textBGColor": "black",
"fontSize": 48
"text": "#n",
"position": "topRight",
"textColor": "white",
"textBGColor": "transparent",
"fontSize": 48
The image file needs to stored under directory Provisioning/smiley.png. Node-RED on Windows: C:\Users\user\Provisioning\smiley.png Node-RED on Linux: /home/user/Provisioning/smiley.png
msg.config.imageOverlay = {
"filepath": "Provisioning/smiley.png",
"scale": true
Up to three ONVIF Accpunts can be set
"name": "user1",
"password": "user1",
"privileges": "Administrator"
"name": "user2",
"password": "user2",
"privileges": "Administrator"
"name": "user3",
"password": "user3",
"privileges": "Administrator"
Set the device MQTT client. It is also possible to set mqtt publishing
msg.config.mqtt = {
"user": "",
"publish": [
"qos": 0,
"retain": "none",
"topicFilter": "axis:CameraApplicationPlatform/ObjectAnalytics/Device1Scenario1"
"qos": 0,
"retain": "none",
"topicFilter": "axis:CameraApplicationPlatform/ObjectAnalytics/Device1Scenario2"
Enable or disable SSH
msg.config.ssh = {
"name": "",
msg.config.ssh = false
Installs and starts ACAPS. The eap-files needs to be store on local directory. If the device already has the ACAP installed with the version defied in payload, it will not install, just start. Property "wait", will pause X seconds after ACAP started. Use this when settings ACAP configurations witrh a VAPIX call. The time needed dependds on ACAP.
msg.config.acap = [
"package": "motionguard", //Must be the correct package id
"version": "2.3.2",
"armv7hf": "Provisioning/MotionGuard/armv7hf.eap",
"aarch64": "Provisioning/MotionGuard/aarch64.eap",
"wait": 5
For settings not supported in the config JSON it is possible to add VAPIX API request. The VAPIX response is available in the status output with msg.response.
msg.config.vapix = [
"method": "get",
"cgi": "/axis-cgi/param.cgi?action=update&ImageSource.I0.Color=50"
"method": "post",
"cgi": "/axis-cgi/basicdeviceinfo.cgi",
"body": {
"apiVersion": "1.0",
"method": "getAllProperties"
Change log
- Added support for DNS
- Aded more exception handling
- Added support for "wait" in ACAP install to provide time for the ACAP to start before sending configugurations.
- Fixed a flaw in config/vapix
- Improved and fixed exception handling
- Added support for device specific VAPIX requests in[]
- Bug fixes
- Fixed clumsy mistake that prevented the node to run
- Fixed flaw in Overlay
- Added exemple flow to download ACAP
- Added example flow to upload a CSV into Node-RED and parse it. Useful for processing into msg.inventory
- Fixed a flaw in the example code
- Adjust config.time to support ntp server
- Added support for generic VAPIX request
- Initial commit