node-red-contrib-zapier 0.0.5

nodered package to work with zapier

npm install node-red-contrib-zapier


Node-RED nodes to integrate with Zapier

There are 2 types of Node a Zapier Trigger which will allow the payload and topic of a message to me sent to Zapier as a Trigger to start a new zap. And a Zapier Action which will allow the output of a Zap to be sent to your node red flow as payload and topic. The naming is from the Zapier perspective so in Node-RED it is revered, an Action is the start of a flow (like an inject node) and the Trigger is the end of a flow (like a debug node)

Your Node-RED instance will need to be exposed for HTTP requests from Zapier, we use URLs on a hidden path of /_zapier/ Ngrok is a good tool for exposing this on a private instance of Node-RED checkout my ngrok node for an easy way to use this with Node-RED Zapier will authenticate itself to your Node-RED instance by using a token in the HTTP header, you can set this token to be any string you like or auto-generate a UUID within the config node. It is reccomended to only use one token per Node-RED instance.

Currently the Zapier package is in invite only Beta so you will need to add it to your account using this Invite Link

No data flows through any services I control, the communication is direct between Zapier and your Node-RED instance.

Please raise any issues in the GitHub repo.

Checkout this video for a demo of it in action

Node Info

Version: 0.0.5
Updated 3 years, 10 months ago
License: MIT
Rating: 5.0 2





5 in the last week


  • zapier_conf
  • zapier_trigger
  • zapier_action


  • node-red
  • zapier
