@prescient-devices/node-red-contrib-promptinput 1.2.4
Emits an output message based on user input entered via browser's prompt.
[!CAUTION] This package has been deprecated, for new installations please use @prescient-devices-oss/node-red-contrib-promptinput
A node that once its button is pressed or it receives a message, prompts the user for input and emits a message with that input converted to a desired data type. An optional JSONata expression can be used to validate the input and emit a message only when the validation succeeds.
Node-RED editor's palette manager may be used to install the node.
Alternatively, the command line may also be used to install the node with the
following commands (assuming the user's Node-RED directory is
$ cd "${HOME}"/.node-red
$ npm install --production node-red-contrib-promptinput
- promptinput
Running Tests
The development dependencies need to be installed before running the test-bench.
This can be accomplished with the following commands (assuming
is the node's development directory where
the node's package.json
$ cd "${HOME}"/node-red-contrib-promptinput
$ npm install
Then to run the tests:
$ cd "${HOME}"/node-red-contrib-promptinput
$ npm test
Contributing / Fixes
An issue may be raised for typos and single-line fixes. A pull request may be opened in the node's GitHub repository for more complex fixes and/or contributions.
Copyright and license
Copyright Prescient Devices, Inc. under the MIT license, which is in the LICENSE file.