wincc-unified-nodes 1.2.0
Node-Red custom nodes to connect to WINCC UNIFIED PC RT V18^
How to use
Click Here! To link Youtube video setup demo on wincc-unified-nodes
- Setup Endpoint Url, WS Endpoint URL
- Create Signed CA Cert via Wincc Certificate manager, manually export to your .nodered folder
4. After you manually export the CA Cert to your .nodered folder, you must again navigate to the same folder and click on the CA cert for name identification
5. In each flow u can only use 1 Unified login node to connect to 1 Unified server, if multiple server please create on another flow page.
6. The Unified Login Username and Password is defined in Wincc Unified TIA portal and use must be added to Graphql Read Write Rights roles
7. To Read a Tag Value
8. Write a Fixed Value to Tag
9. Write a Variable value from nodered to Tag
10. Subscribe to a Tag Value
11. Subcribe to Alarm ID, output 1 give alarm State (Raised,Went,Acknowlegde ...etc), output 2 give the value.
Attached on the Example folder a flow create to test server connection and play around with.
The WINCC Unified Nodes software is provided "as is," without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement. In no event shall the authors or copyright holders be liable for any claim, damages, or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort, or otherwise, arising from, out of, or in connection with the software or the use or other dealings in the software.
1.0.13 - Added Youtube link for Installation and usage of wincc-unified-nodes
1.1.0 - (11-JUL-2024) Bug Fixes (error handling for Wrong SSL Cert, Wrong Password/Graphql Address/Unified server down will not crash Node-red now)
1.2.0 - (16-JUL-2024) Added Optional Path field inside WINCC server configuration for working with custom ca cert path / linux / debian os path etc.
This project includes code from the following sources:
- node-red-contrib-graphql: Adapted GraphQL Query and Mutation functionality to fit Wincc unified GraphQL Server requirements.
- jetblack-graphql-client: Utilized for the websocket subscribe functionality.
- special thanks: Kick starting ideas and flow concept.
- How can I fogotten to mention ChatGPT doing 90% of the hard work!
We are grateful to the contributors of these projects for their valuable contributions.