red-contrib-knxjs-pfischi 1.0.7

Implements knx.js PR #37 and node-red-contrib-knxjs PR #2

npm install red-contrib-knxjs-pfischi

This is just a version that implements tow open PRs:



KNXnet/IP support for Node-Red. Provides nodes to talk to KNX both in raw form and as higher level devices.

Uses the KNXnet/IP library for Node.JS ( which supports multicast.

  • Easily import your group addresses from a CSV file exported via ETS, and define your devices as individual nodes in a flow or,
  • Handle arbitrary KXN telegrams by using a pair of generic in/out nodes.


cd ~/.node-red
npm install node-red-contrib-knxjs

Nodes added by this package

- knx-device

A node that represents a controllable KNX device. Provides the ability to

  • control device via node messages that flow into its input connector:
{msg: {payload: true}}

will turn on a KNX switch

  • inject messages (via its output connector) into a flow when a device status changes.
    topic: <knx device node name>,
    payload: {'oldval': <old value>, 'newval': <new value>)

You can define a device by

  • manually adding its control and status group address, OR
  • you can import a CSV from ETS that contains all your group addresses.

The latter is preferred whenever you want to define multiple devices for your flows.

- knx-out

KNX/EIB output node that can send raw KNX telegrams to arbitrary GA's and datatypes, so it can be used with function blocks.

- knx-in

KNX/EIB listener node, who emits flow messages based on activity on the KNX bus:

Both knx-in and knx-out use the same message format, an example message follows:

{ "topic": "knx: write",
  "payload": {
    "srcphy": "1.1.11",
    "dstgad": "0/0/15",
    "value": [12,65]

Notice: the KNX wire protocol does not carry information about the DPT (datapoint type), hence the interpretation of the value is up to you (in the example above, this is a 16-bit floating point representing a temperature in degrees Celcius). If you're interested in getting meaningful values out of KNX telegrams, you need to use the knx-device node (see above).

  • topic: "knx: (telegram type)" where (telegram type) is 'read' (for read requests), 'respond' (for responses to read requests) and 'write' (to write GA values)

  • payload.srcphy: source physical address (the device that sent the KNX/EIB telegram)

  • payload.dstgad: destination group address (the function that this telegram refers to eg. front porch lights)

  • dpt: for write requests, you can optionally specify the datapoint type (eg. DPT1 for booleans, DPT5 for 4-bit dimming setpoints etc) - this permits you to write complex DPT's to the bus

  • value: the destination group address's value conveyed in the telegram in raw format (if you're not supplying a dpt), or in the format expected by the DPT (see relevant table for what kind of data values you can send to the KNX library).

Configuration Nodes

- knx-controller

A hidden CONFIG node that lets you define connection properties for your KNX installation. Defaults to a router/multicast connection to, so if you have a KNX IP router on your LAN, you can use this without further ado. Please note: if you use eibd or knxd as your IP router, and you have it running on the same box as your Node-Red, it will DROP multicast packets coming from the same source IP address.

Layer 0 [11:server/Server 7.133] Dropped(017): 06 10 05 30 00 11 29 00 BC D0 11 64 29 0F 01 00 80

The trick here (although not entirely within the specs) is to use the loopback interface, so if you define the KNX controller address/port to it will bypass the source address check (and happily route your packets down your USB or TPUART interface)

- ets-csv-export

An encapsulator object for your CSV file of your exported group addresses. You can define this in order to be able to pick a group address in a 'knx-device' node.

Node Info

Version: 1.0.7
Updated 6 years, 7 months ago
License: Apache-2.0
Rating: not yet rated





5 in the last week


  • knx-controller
  • knx-out
  • knx-in
  • ets-csv-export
  • knx-device


  • node-red
  • knx
