node-red-yanfaz-iot 0.0.51

IoT Application Node-RED node for the Registered and Quickstart flows in IBM Watson IoT Platform

npm install node-red-yanfaz-iot


This is a Node-RED node meant for connecting to both the Quickstart and Registered flows in IBM Watson IoT Platform. This Node-RED node replaces the node-red-iotcloudshapeshift. This Node-RED node can be used within, as well as, outside the IBM Bluemix environment.

In case it is used within the IBM Bluemix environment, the node is smart enough to detect whether an IoT service is bound to this application and provides the respective drop-down options. In case no IoT service is bound to this application, the drop-down, for authentication, does not contain "Bluemix Service".


Install from npm

npm install node-red-contrib-scx-ibmiotapp


IoT App In Node

In case of Registered flow, the App In node can be used to

  1. Receive device events,
  2. Receive device status,
  3. Receive device commands, on the behalf of a device, and
  4. Receive application status.

In case of Quickstart flow, the App In node can be used to

  1. Receive device events,
  2. Receive device status and
  3. Receive application status.

IoT App Out Node

In case of registered flow, the App Out node can be used to

  1. Send device commands and
  2. Send device events, on the behalf of a device.

In case of quickstart flow, the App Out node can be used to

  1. Send device events, on the behalf of a device.

Usage outside IBM Bluemix environment

In case the out and in nodes need to run outside the IBM Bluemix environment, use the API Key dropdown option

  1. On selecting the API Key, API Key and API Token options are made available
  2. The API Key and Token can be shared across multiple nodes

Supported formats

  1. JSON,
  2. buffer,
  3. number
  4. String
  5. boolean and Other types.


When the format is specified as json, one can send the JSON object or the Stringify version of the JSON object using the App Out Node. Upon receiving from the Watson IoT Platform, the App In Node parses and sends the JSON object to the output.


The buffer should be sent as is without doing any conversion. Upon receiving it, the App In Node forwards the buffer as is without any conversion.

Other types

Similar to buffer, the IoT App Out Node sends the payload as is in the case of number, string, boolean and other types. Upon receiving them, the App In Node forwards the values as Strings.


For Device Id, this node ignores any character other than alphanumeric, the period symbol, hyphen and the underscore character.


Amit M Mangalvedkar (@amitmangalvedka)
Jeffrey Dare (@jeffdare)

Copyright and license

Copyright 2014, 2016 IBM Corp. under the Apache 2.0 license.

Node Info

Version: 0.0.51
Updated 8 years, 9 months ago
License: Apache
Rating: not yet rated





2 in the last week


  • ibmiot
  • ibmiot out
  • ibmiot in


  • node-red
  • bluemix
  • iotcloud
