node-red-trexmes-iot-iobox 1.0.13

Trex Iot-IoBox serial connector

npm install node-red-trexmes-iot-iobox


This is a Node-Red package that communicates via a serial port (rs232) with a Trex Mes IoT-IoBox hardware developed by Mert Software & Electronics IoT-IoBox is an affordable automation device whose hardware accepts 12 digital input signals and generates 4 digital output signals. The counter total information is produced by counting the changes that occur with the 0-1 change of the signal belonging to the 12 inputs. Likewise, the cycle time of 0-1 change of each input is calculated in milliseconds to the card. With these 12 inputs, counter and loop values, the last status of 4 output signals can be read instantaneously with this Node-red node and the last status of each selected signal value can be taken as the node output.

Iot-IoBox image

Trex Mes IoT-IoBox hardware technical specifications

  1. 24 Volt Power Supply input: It must be fed with 24 volt & 1 Ampere Power Supply input.
  2. 12 pcs npn or pnp 24 volt input
  3. 4 dry contact output: 4 x 250 VAC, 5A no contact outputs
  4. 24 volt pnp encoder input
  5. Cascade communication port input
  6. RS232 communication port


Run the following command in the root directory of your Node-RED install

npm install node-red-trexmes-iot-iobox


Input, counter and cycle values to be viewed are selected from the editing interface.

Transfer only changed values : With this selection box, the ports whose values have changed are sent to the output.

Single output: It is ensured that the port values are sent to a single output.

Node output numbers are formed dynamically depending on the selections.

IoBox has 4 output digital ports. To make them active or inactive, the payload.out values sent to the node must be set. For example, if msg.payload.out1 = 1 is sent, output 1 of the IoBox will be activated.

Iot-IoBox Node image1

Iot-IoBox Node image1

Iot-IoBox Node image1

Iot-IoBox Node image1


The package currently requires Node.js 18.16 or higher.


Asaf Yurdakul

Node Info

Version: 1.0.13
Updated 1 year, 9 months ago
License: GPL-3.0-or-later
Rating: 5.0 2





0 in the last week


  • iobox
  • iobox-port


  • node-red
  • serialport
  • TrexMes
