node-red-trexmes-iot-iobox 1.0.13
Trex Iot-IoBox serial connector
This is a Node-Red package that communicates via a serial port (rs232) with a Trex Mes IoT-IoBox hardware developed by Mert Software & Electronics IoT-IoBox is an affordable automation device whose hardware accepts 12 digital input signals and generates 4 digital output signals. The counter total information is produced by counting the changes that occur with the 0-1 change of the signal belonging to the 12 inputs. Likewise, the cycle time of 0-1 change of each input is calculated in milliseconds to the card. With these 12 inputs, counter and loop values, the last status of 4 output signals can be read instantaneously with this Node-red node and the last status of each selected signal value can be taken as the node output.
Trex Mes IoT-IoBox hardware technical specifications
- 24 Volt Power Supply input: It must be fed with 24 volt & 1 Ampere Power Supply input.
- 12 pcs npn or pnp 24 volt input
- 4 dry contact output: 4 x 250 VAC, 5A no contact outputs
- 24 volt pnp encoder input
- Cascade communication port input
- RS232 communication port
Run the following command in the root directory of your Node-RED install
npm install node-red-trexmes-iot-iobox
Input, counter and cycle values to be viewed are selected from the editing interface.
Transfer only changed values : With this selection box, the ports whose values have changed are sent to the output.
Single output: It is ensured that the port values are sent to a single output.
Node output numbers are formed dynamically depending on the selections.
IoBox has 4 output digital ports. To make them active or inactive, the payload.out values sent to the node must be set. For example, if msg.payload.out1 = 1 is sent, output 1 of the IoBox will be activated.
The package currently requires Node.js 18.16 or higher.