node-red-node-discord 2.2.0

Discord nodes for recieving / sending messages.

npm install node-red-node-discord


Inspired by node-red-contrib-discord

Node-red nodes that allow you to interact with Discord, via Discord.js. Can be used to implement simple write/read Bots


Run the following command in ~/.node-red:

npm install node-red-node-discord


node-red-node-discord gives you access to following nodes:

  • discord-get-messages is a node with no inputs and one output allowing you to receive notifications of incoming messages.
  • discord-get-emoji-reactions is a node with no inputs and one output allowing you to receive notifications when user reacts on message with emoji.
  • discord-send-messages is a node with one input and no outputs allowing you to send messages to a Discord channel.
  • discord-members-monitoring is a node with one input and output, designed to get all channels and their's members for metrics.


  • Triggers whenever a message was received on Discord
  • You can pass list of channels to listen to Note : valid channel list example #1245#general#1234567#another-channel
  • msg.payload will be set to the textual content of the message
  • will be set to an Object containing info on the channel the message was received from (does not contain any discord.js functions)
  • will be set to an Object containing info on the user that sent the message (does not contain any discord.js functions)
  • msg.attachments will be set to Array containing attachments info in format
      filename: string, // Filename
      href: string // File Url generated by Discord
  • msg.rawData will be set to an Object containing info on the message that was received, but again without any of the discord.js functions
  • To reply to a message, use the discord-send-messages node.


  • Sends msg.payload on Discord channel with id You can pass channel name in as well as id, i.e. general
    Note: this feature possibly can cause sending message to wrong channel if bot connected to multiple servers and there are same named channels

  • Feel free to @mention people in message.payload
    Example: Hello @Gago, nice module :) , also you can use @here, @everyone mentions

  • To use discord's rich text embed specify with following content (props marked with ? are not required)

       title?: string;
       description?: string;
         url?: string;
         color?: ColorResolvable;
         timestamp?: number | Date;
         footer?: {
                   icon?: string;
                   text: string;
         thumbnail?: string;
         author: {
                    name: string;
                 icon?: string;
                 url?: string;
         attachments?: Attachment[];
         field?: {
                 name: string;
                 value: string;
                 inline?: boolean;
         fields?: [
                     name: string;
                     value: string;
                     inline?: boolean;
  • msg.attachments contains attachments to send, it must be array containing objects in format

       name: string;
       file: string | Buffer | Stream;


    • Triggered from outside, for now doesn't provide any configuration options
    • Set's monitored data to msg.monitoringData with following content
    [category: string]: [
        id: string;
        channelName: string;
        members: [
            id: string;
            username: string;
            joinedDate: Date;
            permissions: PermissionString[];
            roles: [
                 id: string;
                name: string;
                permissions: number;

Node Info

Version: 2.2.0
Updated 5 years, 4 months ago
License: GPL-2.0
Rating: 1.0 1





18 in the last week


  • discord-token
  • discord-get-messages
  • discord-get-emoji-reactions
  • discord-send-messages
  • discord-monitor-members


  • node-red
  • discord
