node-red-contrib-wmbus-client 1.1.2

Node-red implementation of wireless m-bus client

npm install node-red-contrib-wmbus-client


A node for getting data wirelessly from a Kamstrup 21 water meter



cd $HOME/.node-red
npm install node-red-contrib-wmbus-client

Restart Node-RED.


wmbus-dongle config node

Setup the type of dongle to use, currently 2 different onces are supported. Imst iM871A-USB and Amber AMB8465-M. It might also work with other Amber modules. Set the comport assigned to the wmbus dongle.


Setup the the node with the serial number as seen on the device and the AES key for the meter (supplied with the meter if bought, might be give by the water company if installed by them). The timeout is used to set the status of the node if no messages ie recieved for that amount of time.

It will start by looking for a node which match the serial number supplied. When found it will transmit the packages recieved from the meter. These are send every 16th second.

Output looks like this:

	"meterDry": false,
	"dryDuration": 0 hours,
	"reverseFlow": false,
	"reverseDuration": 1-8 hours,
	"burst": false,
	"burstDuration": 0 hours,
	"leak": false,
	"leakDuration": ≥505 hours,
	"name": kamstrup21

currentValue is the instant value which can be read from the meter display. monthStartValue is the meter reading at the beginning of the month. meterDry is set if the meter is currently with out water. reverseFlow is set if the water is flowing the wrong way. burst is set if the flow is very high for a relative short time. leak is set if a constant flow has been going on for a long time. name is the name of the node.

xxxxDuration lets you know for for how long with in the last 30 days an info has been present. This comes in the following intervals.

	0 hours
	1-8 hours
	9-24 hours
	25-72 hours
	73-168 hours
	169-336 hours
	337-504 hours
	≥505 hours


This is a custom made node for which the source will be relased upon final design.

Setup the the node with the serial number as programmed into the device. The timeout is used to set the status of the node if no messages ie recieved for that amount of time.

It will start by looking for a node which match the serial number supplied. When found it will transmit the packages recieved from the meter.

Output looks like this:

	"batteryLevel": 2.7,
	"name": hummie1

temperature is the current temperature in celsius. humidity is the current relative humidity in percent. batteryLevel is the current battery voltage. name is the name of the node.

Node Info

Version: 1.1.2
Updated 2 years, 11 months ago
License: MIT
Rating: 5.0 1





6 in the last week


  • kamstrup21
  • hummie1
  • wmbus-dongle


  • node-red
  • kamstrup
  • wmbus
