node-red-contrib-wio-seeed 0.1.7

Wio Link Nodes using Grove modules for Node RED

npm install node-red-contrib-wio-seeed


This package contains many nodes for Node-RED that make using Wio modules such as Grove sensors and displays more streamlined. Currently supported are all of the modules included in the Wio Link Deluxe Kit Plus, all Generic inputs and outputs provided by the Wio board, and many more. Contributions and improvements are welcomed.

Node-RED Wio Nodes


$ npm install node-red-contrib-wio-seeed


All of the nodes included in this package require the access token provided when logging into Seeed's IOT API. The token can be obtained by logging in with your email and password or entered manually when adding the config node.

Once the config node is added or updated in the Connections section of the node then select the desired Node from the list. Once a Node is selected the correct Port should be automatically selected, if there is more than one compatible module configured you can use the drop down to select the correct Port identifier and Module name. Lastly select any additional options and select Ok. .. That's it! You should now be able to easily interact with your Wio using Node-RED.

Instructions on how to obtain a token manually can be found in Seeed's IoT API docs at:



This node provides the ability to set single or multiple characters on the display using the payload value.

Name Module Method
Grove 4 Digit Grove4Digit display_digits


This node provides the ability to set strings and values on the display using the payload value.

Name Module Method
Grove LCD RGB Backlight GroveLCDRGB string
Grove OLED 128x64 GroveOLED12864 string


This node contains many Wio events and an option for returning the full JSON response or switched input for the parsed output.

Name Module Parsed Value Description
Generic Digital Input GenericDIn input_changed Input Changed
Grove Button GroveButton button_pressed Button Pressed
Grove Infrared Receiver GroveIRRecv ir_recv_data_len Data Length
ir_recv_data_hex Data Hex
Grove PIR Motion GrovePIRMotion ir_moved PIR Motion
Grove Magnetic Switch GroveMagneticSwitch mag_approach Approach
Grove IR Distance Interrupter GroveIRDistanceInterrupter ir_approached IR Approached


This node provides the ability to drive modules with a boolean state such as a relay manually to the desired state or automatically using the payload value.

Name Module Method
Generic Digital Output GenericDOut onoff
Grove Electromagnet GroveElecMagnet onoff
Grove Relay GroveRelay onoff
Grove SPDT Relay GroveSPDTRelay30A onoff
Grove Dry Reed Relay GroveDryReedRelay onoff


This node provides the ability to set the duty and frequency for a PWM signal manually or automatically using the payload value.

Name Module Method
Generic PWM Output GenericPWMOut pwm


This node contains many Wio sensors and an option for returning the full JSON response or the parsed sensor output.

Name Module Method Parsed Value
Generic Digital Input GenericDIn input input
Generic Digital Output GenericDOut onoff_status onoff
Generic PWM Output GenericPWMOut pwm
Generic Analog Input GenericAIn analog analog
Grove Button GroveButton pressed pressed
Grove Moisture GroveMoisture moisture moisture
Grove Ultrasonic Ranger GroveUltraRanger range_in_inch range_inch
range_in_cm range_cm
Grove Temperature GroveTemp temp temperature
Grove Infrared Receiver GroveIRRecv protocol_parameters
last_data_recved last_data_recved
Grove Temperature & Humidity Pro GroveTempHumPro temperature celsius_degree
temperature_f fahrenheit_degree
humidity humidity
Grove Temperature & Humidity GroveTempHum temperature celsius_degree
temperature_f fahrenheit_degree
humidity humidity
Grove PIR Motion GrovePIRMotion approach approach
Grove Digital Light GroveDigitalLight lux lux
Grove 3-Axis Digital Compass GroveCompass compass_heading heading_deg
Grove Magnetic Switch GroveMagneticSwitch approach mag_approach
Grove 3-Axis Digital Accelerometer GroveAccMMA7660 shaked shaked
Grove IR Distance Interrupter GroveIRDistanceInterrupter approach approach
Grove Electromagnet GroveElecMagnet onoff_status onoff
Grove Air Quality GroveAirquality quality quality
Grove Gesture GroveGesture motion motion
Grove Barometer BMP28 GroveBaroBMP280 temperature temperature
altitude altitude
pressure pressure
Grove Relay GroveRelay onoff_status onoff
Grove SPDT Relay GroveSPDTRelay30A onoff_status onoff
Grove Dry Reed Relay GroveDryReedRelay onoff_status onoff
Grove Servo GroveServo angle degree


This node provides the ability to drive a servo to the desired angle over a duration manually or automatically using the payload value.

Name Module Method
Grove Servo GroveServo angle_motion_in_seconds


This node provides the ability to output, start, or stop a sound on the speaker manually or automatically using the payload value.

Name Module Method
Grove Speaker GroveSpeaker sound_ms


This node provides the ability to set single or multiple LED's to the specified colors manually or automatically using the payload value.

Name Module Method
Grove LED WS2812 GroveLedWs2812 segment


  • Refactor the wio-common functions into a more robust and reusable class.
  • Move the admin interface functions into a service provided by the wio-config node to unify the usage of $.getJSON and https.request.
  • Update the wio-config node to utilize Node-RED credential storage for the username and password and perform the request for a new access token dynamically.

Known Issues and Limitations

  • Although the option is provided to set a different server I have not yet tested this using a private Wio server, although this is planned in the near future.
  • Sometimes it may be necessary to re-open the configuration dialog when Nodes or Ports fail to appear and should be fixed as part of the TODO's above.

Node Info

Version: 0.1.7
Updated 9 years, 4 months ago
License: Apache-2.0
Rating: not yet rated





2 in the last week


  • wio-config
  • wio-digit
  • wio-display
  • wio-event
  • wio-output
  • wio-pwm
  • wio-sensor
  • wio-servo
  • wio-speaker
  • wio-ws2812


  • node-red
  • node
  • seeed
  • wio
  • wio-link
  • wio-node
  • grove
