node-red-contrib-volumio 0.0.2
A node library to control Volumio 2 with WebSocket APIs
a websocket client to connect and control volumio2 in node-red
volumio event
listen for a specific event
volumio commands
emit a specific command and listen on the corresponding event pushing out the response
known commands and push events
- play ==> pushState
- pause ==> pushState
- prev ==> pushState
- next ==> getSpushStatetate
- setRandom ==> pushState
- setRepeat ==> pushState
- volume ==> pushState
- mute ==> pushState
- unmute ==> pushState
- getQueue ==> pushQueue
- playPlaylist ==> pushQueue
- playFavourites ==> pushQueue
- addToQueue ==> pushState
- getState ==> pushState
- getBrowseSources ==> pushBrowseSources
- browseLibrary ==> pushBrowseLibrary
- getMultiRoomDevices ==> pushMultiRoomDevices
- search ==> pushBrowseLibrary