node-red-contrib-ui-timelines-chart 0.1.9

A Node-RED widget node for showing the timelines chart.

npm install node-red-contrib-ui-timelines-chart


A Node-RED widget node for showing the timelines chart.




The node-red-contrib-ui-timelines-chart requires Node-RED Dashboard 2.10 to be installed.

Quick Start

To pull from docker hub:

docker pull sanlike0911/node-red-contrib-ui-timelines-chart:latest


npm install node-red-contrib-ui-timelines-chart

Note: This node uses APIs that require at least Node-RED 0.19 and Node-RED Dashboard 2.10.


"ui-timelines-chart" node is a UI widget that can be used to display the timelines chart in the Node-RED dashboard.

This Node-Red module can not directly connect to Database.

  • Widget properties

    widget propertie

    • name

      Set the node name to be displayed in flow.

    • group

      Set the group to be displayed on the dashboard.

    • size

      Set the size on the dashboard.

    • label

      Set for the name to be displayed on the dashboard.

    • xAxis

      • tick format

        Set the tick format of the X-Axis.

        - YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss
        - YYYY-MM-DD
        - HH:mm:ss
        - HH:mm
        - HH

        *ISO 8601 format

      • start date

        Set the start time of the X-Axis. If not set, select the first data.

      • end date

        Set the end time of the X-Axis. If not set, select the last data.

      • labels size[px]/color

        Set the font size[in pixels] and font color to X-Axis label. size: from 0 to 64(default:16)

    • yAxis

      • labels size[px]/color

        Set the font size[in pixels] and font color to Y-Axis label. size: from 0 to 64(default:16)

    • tooltips

      • time format

        Set the time format of tooltips. See d3-time-format for available options.

    • format chart area

      • chart top margin[px]

        Set the top margin of the chart, in pixels. height: from 0 to 255(default:60)

      • chart height[px]

        Set the chart maximum height of each line, in pixels. height: from 1 to 255(default:60)

      • reset zoom label size[px]/color

        Set the font size[in pixels] and font color to reset zoom label. size: from 0 to 64(default:24)

    • options

      • enable animations

        Set whether to animate transitions.

      • enable date marker(now)

        Set whether to display the current date of the vertical line.

      • enable forward input messages

        Set whether to forward input messages to output.

    • legends

      Set the color and value to be displayed on the chart.

  • Input items

    An array of Items is passed in by msg.payload. It consists of objects containing the following properties.

    [Data syntax]

                group: "group1name",
                data: [
                    label: "label1name",
                    data: [
                        timeRange: [<date>, <date>],
                        val: <val: number (continuous dataScale) or string (ordinal dataScale)>
                        timeRange: [<date>, <date>],
                        val: <val>
                    label: "label2name",
                    data: [...]
                group: "group2name",
                data: [...]
                tickFormat: <val: string (date time[default:YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss])>,
                startDateTime: <date>,
                endDateTime: <date>,
                labelsFontSize: <val: number (from 0 to 64[default:16])>
                labelsColor: <val: string (from #000000 to #ffffff[default:#000000])>
                labelsFontSize: <val: number (from 0 to 64[default:16])>
                labelsColor: <val: string (from #000000 to #ffffff[default:#000000])>
              timeFormat: <val: string (d3-time-format[default:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S])>,
              topMargin: <val: number (from 0 to 255[default:60])>
              height: <val: number (from 1 to 255[default:60])>
                  labelFontSize: <val: number (from 0 to 64[default:24])>
                  labelColor: <val: string (from #000000 to #ffffff[default:#000000])>
              lineColors <{val: string (from #000000 to #ffffff[default:#000000]), val: string (label name)}>,
              enableAnimations: <boolean>,
              enableDateMarker: <boolean>,
              forwardInputMessages: <boolean>

    priority: (msg.payload.settings > node property settings)


There are some npm-scripts to help developments.

  • npm install - Install the testing environment in your project.
  • npm run build - Make ./data/my-node directory from the src directory and Install the my-node in Node-RED.
  • npm run start - Start Node-RED. "http://localhost:1880"

file list

│  package.json
│  tsconfig.json
├─data -> `Node-Red work files`
│  │  
│  ├─my-node -> `project files` The resource files and built files should be placed here.
│  │  │  package.json
│  │  │
│  │  └─nodes -> The resource files and built files should be placed here.
│  │     └─...
│  │
│  └─node_modules
│     └─...
├─dist -> `The project built files`
├─examples -> `node-RED flow files`
    └─nodes -> project files
        │  ├─en-US
        │  └─ja

Node Info

Version: 0.1.9
Updated 2 years, 9 months ago
License: MIT
Rating: 4.5 4





22 in the last week


  • node-red
  • dashboard
  • status chart
  • timeline chart
  • chart
  • widget
