node-red-contrib-stoptimer 0.0.7

Sends the msg through the first output after the set timer duration. If a new msg is received before the timer has ended, it will replace the existing msg and the timer will be restarted, unless the new msg has a payload of 'stop' or 'STOP', in which case

npm install node-red-contrib-stoptimer

Stop Timer for node-red

Sends the msg through the first output after the set timer duration. If a new msg is received before the timer has ended, it will replace the existing msg and the timer will be restarted, unless the new msg has a payload of stop or STOP, in which case it will stop the timer. The second output allows you to send an additional payload of a number, string or boolean. If the timer is stopped, the second output will automatically send a payload of stopped.

This is like the built in delay function of node-red, but with the ability to not only restart the timer, but to stop it as well.

0.0.1 - Initial Release

0.0.2 - Fixed an issue with using the timer in a repeating flow which caused it to either send an additional msg after being stopped, or, in some cases, not allowing a new msg to pass through after the node had been previously stopped.

0.0.3 - update

0.0.4 - Updated icon for less confusion with other nodes

0.0.5 - As per request, I have included a second output. You can set the payload for the second output to a number, string or boolean, however, if the timer is stopped with an incoming msg, the second output will send the payload of "stopped".

0.0.6 - Forgot to update the "info" panel instructions inside of node-red to include the new features.

0.0.7 - Clarified the instructions with respect to the what happens to the existing message when a new message arrives.

Node Info

Version: 0.0.7
Updated 8 years, 7 months ago
License: Apache-2.0
Rating: 4.4 9





1616 in the last week


  • stoptimer


  • node-red
  • timer
  • delay
