node-red-contrib-sparkcore 0.0.12

Node-RED node to connect to Spark Core. This can be used to connect to Spark Core and call functions, read variables or listen to events

npm install node-red-contrib-sparkcore


Node-RED node to connect to Spark Core. This can be used to connect to Spark Core and call functions, read variables or listen to events.


npm install node-red-contrib-sparkcore


The node implements basic things to interact with Spark Core, such as call a function, read a variable and subscribe to events. This node defines INPUT and OUTPUT nodes. Input node can be used to call a function, read a variable and subscribe to events. The output node can be used to call a function and pass an input parameter. Following are the return values:

Function call

  1. msg.raw contains the raw JSON string returned
  2. msg.payload contains the return value of the function
  3. contains the core id

Read a Variable

  1. msg.raw contains the raw JSON string returned
  2. msg.payload contains the value of the variable
  3. contains the core id

Subscribe to variables

  1. msg.raw contains the raw JSON string returned
  2. msg.payload the event data
  3. contains the core id
  4. msg.published_at contain the published date and time

Node Info

Version: 0.0.12
Updated 10 years, 2 months ago
License: ISC
Rating: not yet rated




0 in the last week


  • SparkCore in
  • SparkCore out


  • sparkcore
  • node-red
  • iot
