node-red-contrib-solaredge 0.1.0

Node-RED node to interface with SolarEdge solar photovoltaic inverters

npm install node-red-contrib-solaredge

SolarEdge node for Node-RED

This is a node for Node-RED to grab data from your SolarEdge inverter. You'll need an API key and your site ID. Talk to your solar PV installer if you need these.


This package adds 1 input node and 1 configuration node to Node-RED.

The configuration node defines the site and comprises the following options:

  • Site ID: The ID of your site.
  • API Key: The API key used to talk to the SolarEdge monitoring API. Must be a site API key, not an account users API key.

The input node comprises the following options:

  • Site: The SolarEdge site, defined above.
  • Command: The command to run against the SolarEdge monitoring API.
  • Interval: The interval, in seconds, between calls to the monitoring API.


The following commands are supported:

  • Details: This provides the overview of the system, including information such as the name, status, peak power, etc.
  • Overview: This provides data such as the lifetime energy output, current power output, etc.

For more information on the commands, see the SolarEdge monitoring API documentation.



Node Info

Version: 0.1.0
Updated 9 years, 2 months ago
License: MIT
Rating: not yet rated





11 in the last week


  • solaredge-site
  • solaredge


  • node-red
  • solaredge
  • solar
  • photovoltaic
