node-red-contrib-socketio-client-wildcard 1.0.0
Node-RED SocketIO client with wildcard listener and emitter
Thanks to @dawidaksamski for node-red-contrib-socketio-agent which served as the base for the modifications that were made.
Updated to allow the ability to send and receive to/from any SocketIO event
There is also now only one connection made to the SocketIO server so that event updates don't get retransmitted back to Node-RED assuming the server uses socket.broadcast.emit
to push events back out to all connected clients.
When connected, the Socket.IO Client node displays the last 10 characters of the id associated with the connection to the SocketIO server
How to use
contains the name of the event to emit to the SocketIO server
contains the data to be sent along with the event
contains the name of the event emitted by the SocketIO server
contains the data that was sent along with the event