node-red-contrib-soap-filesupport 0.1.2

SOAP Client for Node Red

npm install node-red-contrib-soap-filesupport


Node-red nodes that allow users to send SOAP request.

Fork of

Change : enable the use of local wsdl file by preventing the addition of "?wsdl" at the end of the wdsl url if no protocol is defined

##Usages To set up SOAP request, create a new soap config:

  • Enter the WSDL address to the WSDL field.
  • Select Auth method, the default would be set to None.
  • Fill in Username, Password, Client Key, Client Certificate, Token if needed.

In the SOAP request config tab, enter the valid method name in Method field. Having an invalid method name will return error.

You can also feed in parameters and overwrite configs with an injected msg:

  • You can have msg.server to overwrite the WSDL address. This only works with WSDL server with no authentication method.
  • You can have msg.options to add in options to the SOAP request.
  • You can have msg.headers to add in headers for the SOAP request.
  • You can feed in msg.payload.<parameters> to feed in the parameters you need.

For example, here is the sample flow where we try to send a SOAP request to, trying to call the GetGeoIP function with an variable IPAddress as

[{"id":"e480824b.767f","type":"soap request","z":"beb01f75.a7c1d","name":"","topic":"","wsdl":"1d0b9627.18e18a","method":"GetGeoIP","x":395,"y":169,"wires":[["5bd47eca.8fd67"]]},{"id":"a2176fcf.cb88","type":"inject","z":"beb01f75.a7c1d","name":"","topic":"","payload":"","payloadType":"date","repeat":"","crontab":"","once":false,"x":114,"y":261,"wires":[["5e12abf.dccd454"]]},{"id":"5bd47eca.8fd67","type":"debug","z":"beb01f75.a7c1d","name":"","active":true,"console":"false","complete":"false","x":541,"y":265,"wires":[]},{"id":"5e12abf.dccd454","type":"function","z":"beb01f75.a7c1d","name":"","func":"var newmsg={\n  server:\"\",\n  options:{},\n  headers:{},\n  payload:{\n      IPAddress:\"\"\n  }\n  \n};\nreturn newmsg;","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"x":246,"y":194,"wires":[["e480824b.767f"]]},{"id":"1d0b9627.18e18a","type":"soap-config","z":"beb01f75.a7c1d","wsdl":"","auth":"0","user":"","pass":"","key":"","cert":"","token":""}]

The returned msg.payload would be:

{ "GetGeoIPResult": { "ReturnCode": 1, "IP": "", "ReturnCodeDetails": "Success", "CountryName": "Australia", "CountryCode": "AUS" } }

Node Info

Version: 0.1.2
Updated 7 years, 6 months ago
License: MIT
Rating: not yet rated





2 in the last week


  • soap request
  • soap-config


  • soap
  • node-red
  • node



  • Michael Qiu