node-red-contrib-smgw 0.0.3

A Node-RED node to read data from Smart Meter Gateways (SMGWs) via the HAN interface

npm install node-red-contrib-smgw

license npm version

A Node-RED node to read data from Smart Meter Gateways (SMGWs) via the HAN interface.

Supported Smart Meter Gateways

Due to a non-standardised interface over the HAN connection, adaptation is necessary for each gateway manufacturer. Currently only the following gateways are supported:

  • PPC Smart Meter Gateway (tested with FW 31416-31435)

Getting started

Use 'Manage Palette' in the Node RED Webinterface or install via cli:

$ cd ~/.node-red
$ npm install node-red-contrib-smgw

Gateway credentials/ip and default ip


smgw-read node

With the help of the node 'smgw-read', meter readings can be read via a gateway. The following example message is returned:

    "time_raw":"2021-05-26 17:00:00",

Flow Examples

Log meter value with influx

Sending meter value with timestamp to influx database. Screenshot Influx smart meter gateway example

[{"id":"5dcd50ec.d6a738","type":"influxdb out","z":"e30de6ff.bf75c","influxdb":"1264afb5.fabe2","name":"","measurement":"P001_grid_electricity_meter","precision":"ms","retentionPolicy":"","x":756,"y":148,"wires":[]},{"id":"a68b7d66.a65e68","type":"change","z":"e30de6ff.bf75c","name":"format for influx","rules":[{"t":"move","p":"payload","pt":"msg","to":"payload.value","tot":"msg"},{"t":"move","p":"time","pt":"msg","to":"payload.time","tot":"msg"},{"t":"move","p":"isvalid","pt":"msg","to":"payload.isvalid","tot":"msg"}],"action":"","property":"","from":"","to":"","reg":false,"x":424,"y":148,"wires":[["5dcd50ec.d6a738"]]},{"id":"c42db596.e8992","type":"smgw-read","z":"e30de6ff.bf75c","name":"Zähler Netz","smgw":"8c0360b0.6e64b","meterid":"1itr0034452109","interval":"2","x":255,"y":148,"wires":[["a68b7d66.a65e68"]]},{"id":"1264afb5.fabe2","type":"influxdb","z":"","hostname":"","port":"8080","protocol":"http","database":"exampledb","name":"","usetls":false,"tls":""},{"id":"8c0360b0.6e64b","type":"smart-meter-gateway","z":"","ip":"","model":"ppc"}]


Thank you for considering contributing to this project! Feel free to report bugs or submit pull requests. It would be great to support more than one gateway manufacturer in the future. Through a modular design, adapters for additional gateways can be easily added. If you are interested please contact me for assistance.

Node Info

Version: 0.0.3
Updated 3 years, 2 months ago
License: MIT
Rating: 5.0 2




2 in the last week


  • smgw-read
  • smart-meter-gateway


  • node-red
  • smart meter gateway
  • smgw
  • intelligente Messeinrichtung
