node-red-contrib-shopify 0.1.0

A collection of Node-RED nodes for Shopify Admin API / REST.

npm install node-red-contrib-shopify



A collection of Node-RED nodes for Shopify Admin API / REST.



The node-red-contrib-shopify requires Node-RED to be installed.


Run the following command in the root directory of your Node-RED install.

npm install node-red-contrib-shopify

Restart your Node-RED instance, the shopify node appears in the palette and ready for use.


node-red-contrib-shopify contains the following modules.


Authenticate the Shopify Admin API. Select the type of application in App Type and enter the required information.

  • Private apps - Authenticate using API Key and password.
  • Custom apps - Authenticate using AccessToken.

shopify-customers node

The shopify-customers node performs the following operations on the shop's customer information.

  • Customer

    • List - Retrieves a list of customers.
    • Get - Retrieves a single customer.
    • Create - Creates a customer.
    • Update - Updates a customer.
    • Delete - Removes a customer.
  • Customer Address

    • List - Retrieves a list of addresses for a customer.
    • Get - Retrieves details for a single customer address.
    • Create - Creates a new address for a customer.
    • Update - Updates an existing customer address.
    • Delete - Removes an address from a customer’s address list.

shopify-products node

The shopify-products node performs the following operations on the shop's product information.

  • Product

    • List - Retrieve a list of products.
    • Get - Retrieve a single product.
    • Create - Create a new product.
    • Update - Updates a product
    • Delete - Delete a product.
  • Product Variant

    • List - Retrieves a list of product variants.
    • Get - Receive a single Product Variant.
    • Create - Create a new Product Variant.
    • Update - Modify an existing Product Variant.
    • Delete - Remove an existing Product Variant.

shopify-orders node

The shopify-orders node performs the following operations on the shop's order information.

  • DraftOrder

    • List - Retrieves a list of draft orders.
    • Get - Receive a single DraftOrder.
    • Create - Create a new DraftOrder.
    • Update - Modify an existing DraftOrder.
    • Delete - Remove an existing DraftOrder.
  • Order

    • List - Retrieve a list of orders.
    • Get - Retrieve a specific order.
    • Create - Create an order.
    • Update - Update an order.
    • Delete - Delete an order.

shopify-inventory node

The shopify-inventory node performs the following operations on the shop's inventory information.

  • InventoryItem

    • List - Retrieves a list of inventory items.
    • Get - Retrieves a single inventory item by ID.
    • Update - Updates an existing inventory item.
  • InventoryLevel

    • List - Retrieves a list of inventory levels.
    • Set - Sets the inventory level for an inventory item at a location.
    • Adjust - Adjusts the inventory level of an inventory item at a location.
    • Delete - Deletes an inventory level from a location.
  • Location

    • List - Retrieve a list of locations.
    • Get - Retrieve a single location by its ID.
    • inventoryLevels - Retrieve a list of inventory levels for a location.

Note: For more information, see REST Admin API reference.


The node-red-contrib-shopify uses the following open source software:


See license (Apache License Version 2.0).


Both submitting issues to GitHub issues and Pull requests are welcome to contribute.


If the developer wants to modify the source of node-red-contrib-shopify, run the following code to create a clone.

cd ~\.node-red\node_modules
git clone
cd node-red-contrib-shopify
npm install

Node Info

Version: 0.1.0
Updated 2 years, 8 months ago
Rating: not yet rated





0 in the last week


  • shopify-auth
  • shopify-customers
  • shopify-products
  • shopify-orders
  • shopify-inventory


  • node-red
  • Shopify
