node-red-contrib-raspihats 2.0.0

Node Red nodes for controlling boards

npm install node-red-contrib-raspihats

A collection of Node-RED nodes for the Raspberry Pi add-on boards from See below for a list.


Go to your Node-RED user data directory and install this package:

cd $HOME/.node-red
npm install node-red-contrib-raspihats

If Node-RED is running, then you'll then need to restart Node-RED for it to pick-up the new nodes.

Nodes Categories Information

1. Raspihats I2CHat

DI Read(DigitalInput)

Node used to read a I2C-HAT Digital Input channel state, generates a msg object with msg.payload that is true or false depending on the state of the Digital Input channel.

A polling mechanism is used for reading the DigitalInputs states, target polling interval is 10ms.

DQ Read (DigitalOutput)

Node used to read a I2C-HAT Digital Output channel state, generates a msg object with msg.payload that is true or false depending on the state of the Digital Input channel.

A polling mechanism is used for reading the DigitalOutputs states, target polling interval is 10ms.

DQ Write(DigitalOutput)

Node used to write a I2C-HAT Digital Output channel state, expects a msg object with a msg.payload that is true or false and writes this to the Digital Output channel.


  • Replace polling mechanism for Raspihats I2CHat/DI Read with a interrupt based mechanism

Copyright 2016, 2016 Florin C. under the MIT license.

Node Info

Version: 2.0.0
Updated 5 years, 1 month ago
License: MIT
Rating: not yet rated




0 in the last week


  • I2C-HAT
  • DI Read
  • DQ Read
  • DQ Write


  • node-red
  • raspihats
  • digital
  • output
  • inputs
