node-red-contrib-push 0.0.1

Push notifications for node-red

npm install node-red-contrib-push

Node-RED Push Notification nodes

node-red-contrib-push is a Node-RED package that allows you to send APN, GCM and Web push notifications.

It uses the node-apn library for APN notifications, node-gcm for GCM notifications and web-push for Web notifications.

Table of Contents


You can use the apn node to send notifications to iOS and Safari devices. You will need to configure a Provider Authentication Token and then create an app configuration, which will contain the token, as well as the topic (bundle-id) of your app and wheather it's using a production or sandbox environment. Assign the app configuration to the apn node and you are ready to send notifications.

You can use the apn-notification node to set the properties of a notification, or you can send the values in the msg.notification object. You can also set the raw payload which will be sent to Apple in the msg.rawNotification object. More information available in the apn node info tab.

The tokens must be provided in the msg.tokens object as an array.


The gcm node is used to send notifications to Android and iOS (if it's configured in Firebase) devices. For Chrome notifications, check out the web node. You will need to configure your GCM Api Key and assign it to the node.

You can use the gcm-notification node to set the properties of a notification, or you can send the values in the msg.notification object.

The recipient of the notification can be specified by setting one of the following keys: to, topic, condition, registrationTokens or tokens.

More information available in the gcm node info tab.


The web node is used to send notifications to Chrome, Firefox, Opera, and Samsung Internet browsers. For a list of supported versions of those browsers, check the web-push page.

Some browsers (Chrome and Opera) requires a GCM Api Key to send notifications, so you will need to configure it in the node.

You can use the web-notification node to set the properties of a notification, or you can send the values in the msg.notification object.

The device tokens must be provided in the msg.tokens object and they must contain the endpoint, as well as the p256dh and the auth keys.

More information available in the web node info tab.

Additional information

The apn, gcm and web nodes will return the result in the msg.result key.

Example flow

You can find an example flow in exampleFlow.json.



Copyright 2017 Mihail Cristian Dumitru

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Node Info

Version: 0.0.1
Updated 7 years, 9 months ago
License: Apache-2.0
Rating: not yet rated





0 in the last week


  • apn
  • apn-token
  • apn-app
  • apn-notification
  • gcm
  • gcm-configuration
  • gcm-notification
  • web
  • web-notification


  • node-red
  • apn
  • gcm
  • web
  • push
  • notifications
