node-red-contrib-public-ip-address 0.0.3
Node-RED Node to get the public IP address
This node returns the current Public IP Address, using (currently) the API. Both IPv4 and IPv6 are supported by the ipify API (IPv6 is returned; if not available, IPv4 is returned).
- 0.0.3:
- update description in package.json to reference that this is a Node-RED Node
- 0.0.2:
- add a "requesting" and "failed" status label to the node
- add a Github Actions workflow to publish package to npm
- add keywords to package.json
- set node category to "network"
- 0.0.1:
- initial release, supporting the API only (IPv4/6)
- Add more public APIs
- Allow to add custom API endpoints
- Validate responses (that a valid IP address is returned)
- Configure if requesting IPv4/6/both (currently both/autodetection)
- Add tests