node-red-contrib-protocolbuffersnode 0.0.1
Encoder and Decoder nodes for Protocol Buffers
Encoder and Decoder nodes for Protocol Buffers. These wrap protobuf.js
Typical example flows would be
MQTT input node -> Protocol Buffers Decoder Node -> Debug logging node
The Protocol buffers decoder node requires the following configuration
- file path to a .proto file to use for decode
- message type to decode
The output will be a Javascript object containing the decoded fields
Injector node -> Protocol Buffers Encoder Node -> MQTT output node
The Protocol buffers decoder node requires the following configuration
- file path to a .proto file to use for encode
- message type to encode
The input to the encoder node must contain payload in JSON format suitable for encoding using the .proto message definition
.proto file
message ApnConfig { optional string apn = 1; optional string username = 2; optional string password = 3; }
Injector JSON parameter
{ "apn" : "MyAPN", "username" : "MyUserName", "password" : "MyPassword" }
Node configuration would then contain the path to the .proto file and the message type would be ApnConfig.
The output to the MQTT output node will contain a byte array payload for transmission.