node-red-contrib-postgres-variable 0.2.0

Module PostgreSQL for work with Node-Red

npm install node-red-contrib-postgres-variable


A Node-RED node to query PostgreSQL.

Edited by Andrii Lototskyi


Run the following command in the root directory of your Node-RED install

npm install node-red-contrib-postgres-variable

The node-red postgres node uses a template node to set the query and uses msg.queryParameters as params for the query. Each property in msg.queryParameters can be used as $propertyName in the query, see the 'setup params' and 'format query' node in the example. The msg it then passed to the postgres node. If you want the output of the query, check the 'Receive output' box in the postgres node. The result of the query is then set on the msg.payload property which can be sent to a http node. Data for connection can be obtained from the file settings.js

Set Credentials

add data to settings.js

pgConnects: {
    connect1: {
        user: "usernameToDB",
        password: "userPasswordToDB",
        host: "hostName",
        port: "port",
        database: "dataBaseName",
        ssl: false, // true/false
        ssl_path: "path to ssl",
        ignore_check_ssl: false // true/false
    connect2 {
        user: "usernameToDB",
        password: "userPasswordToDB",
        host: "hostName",
        port: "port",
        database: "dataBaseName",
        ssl: false, // true/false
        ssl_path: "path to ssl",
        ignore_check_ssl: false // true/false
    connect3 {
        user: "usernameToDB",
        password: "userPasswordToDB",
        host: "hostName",
        port: "port",
        database: "dataBaseName",
        ssl: false, // true/false
        ssl_path: "path to ssl",
        ignore_check_ssl: false // true/false

Example For Request

set data in function node

msg.payload = "SELECT NOW()";
msg.connectName = 'connect1';  // connect name from settings.js
return msg;

Example DB

CREATE TABLE public.table1
    field1 character varying,
    field2 integer
ALTER TABLE public.table1
  OWNER TO postgres;

INSERT INTO public.table1(
            field1, field2)
    VALUES ('row1',1);
INSERT INTO public.table1(
            field1, field2)
    VALUES ('row2',2);

Example node-red flow

Import the flow below in an empty sheet in nodered

[{"id":"35c76478.e1723c","type":"function","z":"25b7c5b4.6f1eba","name":"setup params","func":"msg.queryParameters = msg.queryParameters || {};\nmsg.queryParameters.param1 = 1;\nmsg.connectName = 'connect1';\nreturn msg;","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"x":273,"y":96,"wires":[["740c574e.518e28"]]}]

Node Info

Version: 0.2.0
Updated 3 months, 1 week ago
License: ISC
Rating: 4.2 5





68 in the last week


  • postgresdb
  • postgres


  • node-red
  • postgres
  • postgresql
