node-red-contrib-polywall-api-v2 0.0.35
Polywall API commands to control videowall
This package contains Polywall API nodes to control videowall.
Contains nodes:
create-source - Node to create sources in Repo or Room.
delete-file - Node to delete file from the room.
delete-reposiotory-file - Node to delete file from the repository.
add-repository-source - Node to put source on a videowall from regular repository.
add-room-source - Node to put source on a videowall from room repository.
refresh-source - Node to reboot already opened source.
start-scenario - Node to start scenario in specified room.
stop-scenario - Node to stop scenario in specified room.
start-scene - Node to start specified scene of running scenario.
close-source - Node to close specified source on a videowall.
clear-display - Node to close all sources on a specified videowall.
move-source - Node to move size or position of the source on a specific value and direction.
toogle-mute-source - Node to switch on/off audio of specified source.
change-source - Node to change settings of specified source.
change-position - Node to change position of a source.
change-size - Node to change size of a source.
next-page - Node to swap page further for sources like pdf, docx, pptx, etc.
previous-page - Node to swap page back for sources like pdf, docx, pptx, etc.
auto-play - Node to start autoplay of sources like pdf, docx, pptx, etc.
room-files - Node to get files from the scenario folder of the specified room.
repository-files - Node to get files from the specified repository.
active-sources - Node to get all active sources in the room.
scenarios - Node to get all scenarios from schedule folder and check which scenario is playing right now.
active-scenes - Node to get all scenes from runing scenario and check which scene is playing right now.
displays - Node to get all displays inside of specified room.
sources - Node to get all active sources in the room (alternative).
list-visualizers - Node to get all active visualizers.