node-red-contrib-pid-autotune 1.3.0
A node-red node to performe PID autotune on a brew rig
A node-red node to performe PID autotune on a brew rig
Getting started
To install the current live version, please use Node-RED's Palette Manager or issue following commands:
$ cd ~/.node-red
$ npm install node-red-contrib-pid-autotune
pid-autotune node
- On input, starts a new autotune process if not started. You can also, continuesly, set current temp with a specific topic. Send 'stop' in cmd property to stop current auto tune process.
There are three outputs explained in order top to botton.
- Triggered when an autocomplete process is completed with state. msg.payload contains an object with the calculated kp, ki and kd values.
- The element output from 0-100% where 0 is off and 100 is full on. Connect to your actor.
- Ouputs logs from the autotune process.
Setting | Description |
Name |
What ever you name the node |
Output step % |
Sets the output when stepping up/down. Default 100 |
Max. output % |
Sets the max power output. Default 100 |
Lookback sec. |
How far back to look for min/max temps. Default 30 |
Set point |
The set point temp to do autotune against. Typical mash temp . Default 65 |
Temp. |
From where to read current temp from. msg, flow or global variable. |
Temp. topic |
If msg is selected for temp. Specify a topic from where current temp is from. |
kettle-sim node
A node to simulate a kettle in a brew rig
- Set msg.payload to a value between 0 and 100 to set heater power percentage (0-100).
- msg.payload contains the calculated temperature of the kettle. Also msg.power is the input value heater percentage.
Setting | Description |
Name |
What ever you name the node |
Diameter (cm) |
The kettle diamter in centimeters. Default 35 cm |
Volume (L) |
The kettle volume in litres. Default 40 L |
Initial temp (C) |
The initial temp of the kettle content in Celcius. Default 20 C |
Heater power (kW) |
The default heter power in kilowatts. Default 2.5 kW |
Kettle ambient temp (C) |
The ambient room temperature, in Celcius, where the kettle is located. Default 20 C |
- Fork this repo
- Write a red unit test for your change
- Implement the code and make the test green
- Refactor your code to make it nice
- Make a pull request
I will probably approve it ;)
Special thanks to for the inspiration for this plugin!