node-red-contrib-oracledb 0.5.1
Node-RED oracle database nodes
Node-RED Oracle Database nodes
is a Node-RED package that connects directly to an Oracle database server. It currently contains a query and a configuration node to connect to Oracle databases for Node-RED storage.
It uses the oracledb library for the Oracle database connectivity.
Table of Contents
If you have installed Node-RED as a global node.js package (you use the command node-red
anywhere to start it), you need to install
node-red-contrib-oracledb as a global package as well:
$[sudo] npm install -g node-red-contrib-oracledb
If you have installed the .zip or cloned your own copy of Node-RED from github, you can install it as a normal npm package inside the Node-RED project directory:
<path/to/node-red>$ npm install node-red-contrib-oracledb
This is a Node-Red Oracle database input/output node. The function it provides depends on the query that is sent to the oracle database. An INSERT query stores data in the database and a SELECT query can send data to another node.
Known issues
- none
What's new
version 0.4.1
- bugfixes
- added some tests
version 0.4.0
- added automatic reconnect to oracle server
version 0.3.0
- added input node functionality for single results and result sets
version 0.2.0
- major refactor, made preparations for better testable code:
- javascript source code has been translated to typescript
- gulp build system added
- if NODE_RED_ROOT environment variable exists, copy build result into its node-red-contrib-oracledb module for quick testing
version 0.1.0
- initial release
The roadmap section describes things that I want to add or change in the (hopefully near) future.
- Improve documentation
- Make testable
- Add localization
- Make it an input and output node:
- Add support to return SELECT query results