node-red-contrib-obniz 0.8.1

Obniz node to send json data to obniz cloud. Obniz is electronics as a service and you can use electronics with json APIs.

npm install node-red-contrib-obniz

node-red obniz node

This library add obniz node to your Node-RED.

It uses obniz websocket api.

What is obniz

Obniz is system of Electronics as a Service. You can find the documentation on the website.


Run the following command in the root directory of your Node-RED install:

npm install node-red-contrib-obniz


  1. Go to "Palette Manager" menu on your Node-RED
  2. Search "obniz" on Node-RED Library
  3. Click "Install"

Node type

There are two types of nodes in the obniz node.

  • obniz repeat node

It is used when you want to get data periodically, for example for sensing.

  • obniz function node

You can use it to create output via obniz, such as obniz.display. You can also output the information obtained through obniz.

  • obniz connect node

Used when you want to control the connection to obniz independently of starting/stopping node-red. When input is received, node-red connects to obniz. If the connection succeeds, the output is number 1, and if the connection fails, the output is number 2.

  • obniz close node

Used when you want to control the connection to obniz independently of starting/stopping node-red. If it can be successfully closed, the output is sent to the next node.

How to use


Both the obniz repeat node and the obniz function node require you to specify which obniz device to use.

Add an obniz by selecting "Add a new obniz" in the properties of each node.

Here are the settings for adding

The initialization process allows you to set up the parts library and more.

There are two variables defined here, obniz and obnizParts. An instance of obniz is set in the obnizParts variable, so you can set You can write obniz.display.print("hello") and so on.

The obnizParts is set to a common object in all obniz nodes. You can store the obniz.wired parts and use them in your obniz repeat/function nodes

obniz repeat node

This is the code to repeat the process while obniz is online. As with the common configuration, there are two variables defined: obniz and obnizParts.

You can use this method as the function node. Use the return msg in order to output the message.

Use node.done() and node.send(msg) for asynchronous processing.

obniz function node

This is the code to repeat the process while obniz is online. As with the common configuration, there are two variables defined: obniz and obnizParts.

! You can use this method as the function node. Use the return msg in order to output the message.

Use node.done() and node.send(msg) to perform asynchronous processing.



Node Info

Version: 0.8.1
Updated 5 months ago
License: MIT
Rating: 2.0 1





7 in the last week


  • obniz
  • obniz-repeat
  • obniz-function
  • obniz-connect
  • obniz-close


  • node-red
  • obniz
