node-red-contrib-mobius-flow-base 2.5.0
Node-RED base nodes for Mobius Flow
Copyright 2016 Interior Automation under the BSD-3-Clause license.
Node-RED nodes to interact with Interior Automation's MOBiUS Flow.
Run the following command in the root directory of your Node-RED install:
npm install node-red-contrib-mobius-flow-base
This module currently requires access to Interior Automation's private NPM repository. This will be made public in the future once MOBiUS Flow is ready for public release.
Service Config Node
All nodes require a connection to a MOBiUS hub. The mobius service
node takes a service ID as a property and creates a shared connection to the hub. All other nodes use this shared connection.
Set Resource Node
Sets the value of, or clears, the specified priority of resource.
Get Resource Node
Reads the current pv
or present value of a resource.
Get Object Node
Reads the entire value of an object.
Clear Resource Node
Clears the specified priority of resource.
Object COV Node
Subscribe to change of value events for an object
Resource COV Node
Subscribe to change of value events for a resource