node-red-contrib-miio-localdevices 0.5.12

Node for Node-Red to control Mi Devices locally via node-mihome (Humidifiers, Air Purifiers, Heaters, Fans, Vacuums, Lights - list of devices to be enlarged). See latest updates in documentation.


License: GPL-3.0
Bugs URL supplied
Package name follows guidelines
Node-RED keyword set
Supported Node-RED Version: 3.0.2,1.3.7,2.2.3
Node.js Version: >=10.0.0
Package uses a unique name


Nodes have unique names
The following modules contain nodes using the same types as this module:
node-red-contrib-mymiio-server node-red-miio-local
Nodes have examples
MIIOgetdata, MIIOsendcommand,


Number of Dependencies: 2
Check for Incompatible packages
Dependencies use latest versions