node-red-contrib-miakapi 1.0.3

MiakAPI V3 for Node-RED

npm install node-red-contrib-miakapi

npm i node-red-contrib-miakapi

This package is an adaptation of MiakAPI for Node-RED.


Miakapp is an easy way to create complete interfaces for your smart home. A control panel allows you to manage users and their permissions. Instant communications are provided by WebSockets between your clients and your coordinator. A coordinator is used to dynamically edit content of your pages. It communicates using MiakAPI.


MiakAPI is a Websockets-based protocol that allows communication between clients and the coordinator.

Available methods are :

  • getUsers => Get the list of users in your home and their permissions
  • commit => Send data (variables) to the clients (you can use restrictions for some users)
  • sendNotif => Send a push notification to the client (if it hasn't disabled them from their settings)

Events are:

  • onUpdate => When an update of home settings happens (user / group / permission update...)
  • onUserLogin => When a user logs into your home
  • onUserAction => When a user clicks a button or types text in an input

Interface builder examples

Interface editor is a web HTML/CSS editor with snippets. Here is an example of what we can build very quickly and without writing CSS.


BigGrid example screenshot Form example screenshot Properties&Tables example screenshot


<page id="pagename">
  <div class="block small">
    <div class="title">Big grid example</div>

    <div class="bigGrid">
      <div id="btn1" class="bigBtn" @click>
        <div class="bigBtnIcon">🔷</div>
        <div class="bigBtnText">Normal button</div>
      <div id="btn2" class="bigBtn green" @click>
        <div class="bigBtnIcon">✔</div>
        <div class="bigBtnText">Green button</div>
      <div id="btn3" class="bigBtn orange" @click>
        <div class="bigBtnIcon">🔶</div>
        <div class="bigBtnText">Orange button</div>
      <div id="btn4" class="bigBtn red" @click>
        <div class="bigBtnIcon">❌</div>
        <div class="bigBtnText">Red button</div>
      <div id="btn5" class="bigBtn disabled" @click>
        <div class="bigBtnIcon">🔒</div>
        <div class="bigBtnText">Disabled button</div>

  <div class="separator"></div>

  <div class="block small">
    <div class="title">Form example</div>

    <div class="simpleInput">
      <div>Text example</div>
      <input id="textInput1" type="text" placeholder="Text" @watch>

    <!-- Double columns -->
    <div class="twoColumns">
      <div class="simpleInput">
        <div>Select example</div>
        <select id="select1" @watch>
          <option value="value1">Choice 1</option>
          <option value="value2">Choice 2</option>
          <option value="value3">Choice 3</option>
          <option value="value4">Choice 4</option>

      <div class="simpleInput">
        <div>Number example</div>
        <input id="numberInput1" type="number" placeholder="Number" @watch>

    <div class="twoColumns">
      <div class="simpleInput">
        <div>Time example</div>
        <input id="timeInput1" type="time" @watch>

      <div class="simpleInput">
        <div>Week example</div>
        <input id="weekInput1" type="week" @watch>

      <div class="simpleInput">
        <div>Month example</div>
        <input id="monthInput1" type="month" @watch>

      <div class="simpleInput">
        <div>Date example</div>
        <input id="dateInput1" type="date" @watch>

    <div class="simpleInput">
      <div>Datetime example</div>
      <input id="datetimeInput1" type="datetime-local" @watch>

    <div class="twoColumns">
      <div id="redBtn" class="button red" @click>Red button</div>
      <div id="greenBtn" class="button green" @click>Green button</div>

  <div class="separator"></div>

  <div class="block small">
    <div class="title">Properties example</div>

    <div class="infoItem">
      <div>Example of property 1</div>
      <div>Value of property 1</div>
    <div class="infoItem">
      <div>Example of property 2</div>
      <div>Value of property 2</div>
    <div class="infoItem">
      <div>Example of property 3</div>
      <div>Value of property 3</div>
    <div class="infoItem">
      <div>Example of property 4</div>
      <div>Value of property 4</div>
    <div class="infoItem">
      <div>Example of property 5</div>
      <div>Value of property 5</div>

    <div class="separator"></div>

    <div class="twoColumns">
      <div id="normalBtn1" class="button" @click>Normal button</div>
      <div id="normalBtn2" class="button disabled" @click>Disabled button</div>

  <div class="separator"></div>

  <div class="block small">
    <div class="title">Table example</div>

        <th>Column 1</th>
        <th>Column 2</th>
        <th>Column 3</th>
        <td>Line 1, Col 1</td>
        <td>Line 1, Col 2</td>
        <td>Line 1, Col 3</td>
      <tr class="clickable" id="line2" @click>
        <td>Line 2, Col 1</td>
        <td>Line 2, Col 2</td>
        <td>Line 2, Col 3</td>

    <div id="addLineBtn" class="button green plusButton" @click>+</div>

  #pagename {


Node Info

Version: 1.0.3
Updated 3 years, 5 months ago
License: ISC
Rating: not yet rated




5 in the last week


  • initMiakapi
  • getHomeUsers
  • commitVariables
  • onHomeReady
  • onHomeUpdate
  • onUserLogin
  • onUserAction
  • sendPushNotif
  • reconnectMiakapi


  • node-red
  • Miakapp
  • MiakAPI
  • home
  • smart-home
  • home-automation
