node-red-contrib-maxcube2 0.3.4
A node-red node to control the eQ-3 Max! Cube with maxcube2.js
A collection of node-red nodes to control the eQ-3 Max! Cube
node-red-contrib-maxcube2 is a fork of using
Changes from node-red-contrib-maxcube
- Settings to temporary disable maxcube connection (the cube can handle only one TCP connection at a time, since maxcube/maxcube2 use a permanent connection if you want to temporary use another client you have to stop you can disable in node settings)
- Node to query devices configurations
- Set mode to all devices with a single payload ({"mode" : "AUTO"} without rf_address)
- Output devices data as single message or separeted messages
- I'm planning add some additional features like schedule settings
The old API didn't change currently so it's a drop-in replacement.
cd $HOME/.node-red
npm install node-red-contrib-maxcube2
Restart Node-RED.
maxcube config node
Set ip and port of your Max! Cube
maxcube (input)
A node to query the eQ-3 Max! Cube for device states.
Whenever an input message is received, device states are updated from the Max! Cube, and sent as separate messages (one for each device) with following structure:
"rf_address": "1709d7",
"initialized": true,
"fromCmd": false,
"error": false,
"valid": true,
"mode": "AUTO",
"dst_active": true,
"gateway_known": true,
"panel_locked": false,
"link_error": false,
"battery_low": false,
"valve": 0,
"setpoint": 17,
"temp": 0,
"device_type": 1,
"device_name": "Termosifone Sala TV",
"room_name": "Piano terra",
"room_id": 1
or as a single message with the following structure:
"1709d7": {
"rf_address": "1709d7",
"initialized": true,
"fromCmd": false,
"error": false,
"valid": true,
"mode": "AUTO",
"dst_active": true,
"gateway_known": true,
"panel_locked": false,
"link_error": false,
"battery_low": false,
"valve": 0,
"setpoint": 17,
"temp": 0,
"device_type": 1,
"device_name": "Termosifone Sala TV",
"room_name": "Piano terra",
"room_id": 1
"18eb18": {
"rf_address": "18eb18",
"initialized": true,
"fromCmd": false,
"error": false,
"valid": true,
"mode": "AUTO",
"dst_active": true,
"gateway_known": true,
"panel_locked": false,
"link_error": false,
"battery_low": false,
"valve": 4,
"setpoint": 17
"temp": 27.2,
"device_type": 3,
"device_name": "Termostato a parete",
"room_name": "Piano terra",
"room_id": 1
"0a1d0e": {
"rf_address": "0a1d0e",
"open": false,
"device_type": 5,
"device_name": "Pulsante Eco"
maxcube configuration (input)
A node to query the eQ-3 Max! Cube for device states.
Whenever an input message is received, device configuration are updated from the Max! Cube, and sent as separate messages (one for each device) with following structure:
or as a single message with the following structure:
maxcube (output)of a device
A node to set the temperature and/or the mode of a device. Valid modes are "AUTO", "MANUAL", "BOOST" and "VACATION".
Accepts messages with payload of type object with following structure:
MANUAL on specific device
"rf_address": "0abc12",
"degrees": 20,
MANUAL on all devices
"degrees": 20,
AUTO on all devices
VACATION on all devices until specific date (ISO 8601)
"untilDate" : "2019-06-20T10:00:00Z"