node-red-contrib-maps 0.2.2
Node-RED Maps node
A Node-RED node implemented by Openlayers 5 to show Iot measures
This node package permit to use Openlayers map from Node-RED. The objective is create a new url for the map created, this url path could be configured and updated at runtime.
For the latest updates see the
npm install node-red-contrib-maps --save
Map configuration
The Map attributes are:
- Path: The Map Url to be access. An example where path is MAP could be:
- Tittle: The map title
- Payload: The map dataset object
The map payload attributes are:
- channel: The channel legend
- dataset: The map dataset
The payload dataset attributes are:
- lon: longitude point
- lat: latitude point
- description: descripion value
- value: value point
- unit: value unit
- color: color marker
Read node help to check the dataset structure for each chart. A Europe Temperature Map dataset could be like this:
"channel": "TEMP",
"dataset": [
"lon": -3.703548,
"lat": 40.417204,
"name": "9fj04r",
"description": "Temperature in Madrid",
"value": 20.5,
"unit": "°C",
"iconColor": "Blue"
"lon": -0.075906,
"lat": 51.508319,
"name": "04jgpe",
"description": "Temperature in London",
"value": 19,
"unit": "°C",
"iconColor": "Yellow"
"lon": 2.34294,
"lat": 48.859271,
"name": "lfj82k",
"description": "Temperature in Paris",
"label": "Alert for strong frosts",
"value": 11.7,
"unit": "°C",
"iconColor": "Red"
"lon": 13.402786,
"lat": 52.517987,
"name": "0lw233",
"description": "Temperature in Berlin",
"value": 10.8,
"unit": "°C",
"iconColor": "Red"
Server side
- server side
- serve-static: Serve static files
- cors: Node.js CORS middleware
Client side
- client side
- jquery: Multipurpose javascript library
- bootstrap4: Build responsive, mobile-first projects on the web
- popper.js: A kickass library used to manage poppers in the web applications
- Openlayers: OpenLayers makes it easy to put a dynamic map in any web page
- moment: Parse, validate, manipulate, and display dates and times in JavaScript.
- jsPDF: The leading HTML5 client solution for generating PDFs
Under example folder you have a json flow to be imported in your node-red instance to test the nodes.