node-red-contrib-looptimer-advanced 0.0.8

Sends the msg through the first output, then continues to do so in a loop, once per the duration specified, until a payload of 'stop' or 'STOP' is received. Supports override with messages!

npm install node-red-contrib-looptimer-advanced

Advanced Looptimer for node-red

This project is based on node-red-contrib-looptimer and node-red-contrib-looptimer2 with the need of overwrite properties via messages.


npm install node-red-contrib-looptimer-advanced

The main functionality is not changed (for now), however fix from looptimer2 has been implemented, because it did not work with other timers for example node-red-contrib-stoptimer and I've did some code rework for better functionality and cleaner code.

Sends the msg through the first output, then continues to do so in a loop, once per the timer duration specified, until a payload of stop or STOP is received, at which time the second output will automatically send a payload of stopped.

You can also stop the loop by specifying a maximum number of loops, which when reached, will stop the loop and timer, as well as sending a payload of max loops reached through the second output. Keep in mind, the first msg simply passes through, and is therefore not part of the loop. So if you set the max loops to 5, you will get 6 messages, which is 1 original message, and 5 messages from the loop.

Finally, to ensure you do not end up with an infinite loop, you can set a maximum timeout in seconds, minutes or hours, and when that time is reached, the loop and timer will also be stopped.

The properties can be overridden via msg.loop messages supplemented with property name. Accepted messages for loop are msg.loop.duration and msg.loop.units, for timeout are msg.loop.maxtimeout and msg.loop.maxtimeoutunits.

You can define maximum number of loops with msg.loop.maxloops

Setting the Max Loops and Max Timeout settings to high values can, for all intents, ensure that the loop can only be stopped by an incoming stop payload, however, the stability of the loop has not been tested over an extended number of hours.

0.0.8 - Fix Until Node-Red Does Not Get Fixed on issue #3867 0.0.7 - Update Loop Dependency version as older version is not compatible with higher version Node.JS
0.0.6 - Added Example Flow and updated dependencies
0.0.5 - Re-added line removed accidentally
0.0.4 - Issue #4 -> Added message when timeout reached
0.0.1 - Initial Release

To Do:

  • Mustache Template Support
  • Example Flows

Node Info

Version: 0.0.8
Updated 1 year, 6 months ago
License: Apache-2.0
Rating: 3.9 7




203 in the last week


  • looptimer-advanced


  • node-red
  • loop
  • timer
  • advanced
  • looptimer
