node-red-contrib-lightning 0.0.6
Node-RED nodes to access and use bitcoin lightning protocol
Node-RED nodes to access and use bitcoin lightning protocol
c-lightning supported commands
- dev-blockheight
- dev-setfees
- listnodes
- getroute
- listchannels
- invoice
- listinvoices
- delinvoice
- waitanyinvoice
- waitinvoice
- decodepay
- help
- stop
- getlog
- dev-rhash
- dev-crash
- getinfo
- listconfigs
- sendpay
- pay
- listpayments
- connect
- listpeers
- fundchannel
- close
- dev-sign-last-tx
- dev-fail
- dev-reenable-commit
- dev-ping
- dev-memdump
- dev-memleak
- withdraw
- newaddr
- listfunds
- dev-rescan-outputs