node-red-contrib-light-scheduler 0.0.19
Light Scheduler is a node-red node that provides a weekly schedule, and is mainly focused on controlling light in home automation scenarios.
Light Scheduler
Light Scheduler is a node-red node that provides a weekly schedule, and is mainly focused on controlling light in home automation scenarios but could be used to control anything in your node-red setup.
Main Features
- Graphical Schedule Editor (weekly)
- Schedule Randomization
- Sun elevation control
- Manual overrides (force on/off, schedule only, light only etc)
- Customizable on/off payloads (and topic).
- Three modes of output (when state changes, when state changes + startup or minutely
Please visit my website for full project documentation and details.
If you have any issues or suggestions please report them on github!
The latest stable version is always available on npm for direct download from the Node-RED palette manager.