node-red-contrib-ifttt-broker 0.2.6

An IFTTT broker for Node-RED

npm install node-red-contrib-ifttt-broker

Node-RED IFTTT Broker

An IFTTT Broker for Node-RED

dependencies dev-dependencies optional-dependencies peer-dependencies FOSSA Status

Examples Image


This library allows you to send and receive IFTTT Triggers and Actions.

Note: If you are only looking to initiate a Trigger check out Diego Pamio's node-red-contrib-ifttt, it's much simplier and you'll have it set up and running in two seconds! 🌟

Still with us? 💁‍

So you may be wondering what makes this library different? Well, building on top of Amadeus's excellent node-ifttt we are able to provide full support of the IFTTT feature set. Most excellently we can make our own Node-RED flows triggered by IFTTT!


  • support for a large volume of IFTTT Triggers
  • multiple, custom IFTTT Action and Trigger Fields
  • Triggers and Actions within multiple (user or custom) contexts (not yet implemented)

Note: This library is super early in development and node structure and configuration information is subject to change!

We will do our best to change configuration only when necessary and do our best to use Node-RED's mechanisms to draw attention when things have changed.


Using this library requires an IFTTT account with access to the IFTTT Platform Service, both of which are free for private usage. To sign up visit here:

Using this library also requires that IFTTT has HTTP or HTTPS access to the machine you are running Node-RED on. Note: just with any public facing server please take the steps to ensure your server is secure! If you haven't already read through the Node-RED Security Documentation to take the necessary steps.


To install the node run the following from your Node-RED user directory (~/.node-red):

npm install node-red-contrib-ifttt-broker

Or install the node from the Palette section of your Node-RED editor by searching by name (node-red-contrib-ifttt-broker).


To set up a Trigger or an Action one creates it in Node-RED and then makes IFTTT Platform aware that it exists.

Watch this space for more elaborate instructions!

  1. Create and add the appropriate node to a Node-RED flow.

    An IFTTT Action Node can be started by a Trigger in an IFTTT Applet and initiate a flow.

    An IFTTT Trigger Node can start an Action in an IFTTT Applet and can be initiated by a flow.

  2. Choose an endpoint for your node.

  3. Add the appropriate fields, ingredients, etc to the node.

  4. Don't forget to Deploy!

  5. Create a new IFTTT Platform Service if you haven't already or wish to organize this new Trigger or Action separately.

  6. Add the configuration information for your Trigger or for your Action in IFTTT Platform.

  7. (optionally) use the Endpoint Tests page to test that your setup matches.

  8. Create your IFTTT Applets.

  9. 🔥🔥🔥


There are many ways this library will be further built out but if you want a feature sooner feel free to create a pull request! Please first start a discussion in an issue so we can strategize implementation before you dive in, that way it'll be less work for you in the end!


This library stands on the shoulders of Amadeus' library node-ifttt, many thanks!

Additionally the library was inspired by node-red-contrib-mqtt-broker, which is such a boon for locally routed MQTT communication!


FOSSA Status

Node Info

Version: 0.2.6
Updated 4 years, 11 months ago
License: Apache-2.0
Rating: not yet rated





15 in the last week


  • ifttt-broker
  • ifttt-action
  • ifttt-trigger


  • node-red
  • ifttt
  • broker
  • trigger
  • action
  • api
