node-red-contrib-http-event-collector 1.1.0
The purpose of this project is to allow node-red to publish a node-red payload to Splunk's HTTP Event Collector.
The purpose of this project is to allow node-red to publish a node-red payload to Splunk's HTTP Event Collector.
Wanted to make an easy avenue to publish data into Splunk through Node-Red.
The easiest way to install is through the Node-Red Palette Manager that can be found in the menu on the top right hand corner of the Node-Red ui.
Manual install with npm
npm install -g node-red-contrib-http-event-collector
Install from source
From github: Navigate to the your home directory on linux is is ~/.node-red/node-modules
git clone
cd http-event-collector
npm install
To configure Splunk's HTTP Event Collector, follow these instructions.
Example Node-RED configuration
Node-RED Functions for converting msg to correct structure for Metric Event Collector.
Single value MQTT payload message to Metric structure:
var o = msg.payload;
var v = msg.topic;
msg.payload = {};
msg.payload.fields = {};
msg.payload.fields._value = o;
msg.payload.fields.metric_name= v;
return msg;
Single value with dimensions enabled :
var o = msg.payload;
var v = msg.topic;
msg.payload = {};
msg.payload.splunkdims = true;
msg.payload.fields = {};
msg.payload.fields._value = o;
msg.payload.fields.metric_name= v;
msg.payload.fields.dimension1= "value1";
return msg;