node-red-contrib-http-auth0 0.1.22

Yet another [http in] with auth0 authentication provider to verify every incoming requests containing oauth2_token.

npm install node-red-contrib-http-auth0

Yet another [http in] with auth0 authentication provider to verify every incoming requests containing oauth2_token

npm version codeship

The first thing to do you need to register an account at then go to Clients menu and CREATE CLIENT. Remember your Domain value to use in the next step.

Import the test flow into your node-red after installing the http-auth0 node module:

[{"id":"b176ac6b.c1adb","type":"http-auth0","z":"bda2c5b8.dfd998","name":"","role":"","group":"","url":"/test","method":"get","auth0":"2cd14f9f.247e8","x":200,"y":180,"wires":[["b1520a2.4062ff8"]]},{"id":"b1520a2.4062ff8","type":"debug","z":"bda2c5b8.dfd998","name":"","active":true,"console":"false","complete":"false","x":420,"y":180,"wires":[]},{"id":"2cd14f9f.247e8","type":"auth0-server","z":"bda2c5b8.dfd998","name":"Your Auth0 Account","address":""}]

Edit the http-auth0 node with your Domain value above in the Account setting panel.

  • By default, it checks for the valid auth0's token and pass the request to the downstream node.
  • Request is authorized if the role value is set to the auth0 user's role value. Usually setup by
  • Request is authorized if the group value is set to the auth0 user's group value. Usually setup by installing the Auth0 Authorization 1.4 extension

Try to get your auth0's id_token from your auth0 application and pass it into the Authorization Header

Currently it supports only Bearer token which is taken from id_token parameter.

curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer {{auth0-id-token}}"

Node Info

Version: 0.1.22
Updated 7 years, 7 months ago
License: MIT
Rating: not yet rated




7 in the last week


  • auth0-server
  • http-auth0


  • node-red
  • auth0
  • http
