node-red-contrib-hcl-iterate-loop 0.0.2

This Node-RED node allows you to build a loop

npm install node-red-contrib-hcl-iterate-loop


Node-RED node to build loops and interact with others nodes in a flow. Basically working like a for loop.

Config iterate-loop

Below are the inputs properties required to make it possible.

  • Variable name, that can be associated to a context variable(msg, flow, global).
  • Value to start the loop, can be a number or a variable from a context(msg, flow, global).
  • Condition to finish the loop, choosing from an operator (==, <, <=, >, >=) and a value to compare with (number, msg, flow, global).
  • Increment/Decrement value (number, msg, flow, global). Note: for decrement is enough with enter negative values and for increment positive values.

The loop will continue as long as the condition it is TRUE, throwing an output to the output label continue in each iteration. When the condition changes to FALSE the loop will terminate an the output will be send to the output label exit

Basic example

With an example can be more straightforward to understand how this node works, the flow is available in the example folder of this repo.

iterate-loop resting

node0.png - node in resting mode

iterate-loop looping

node1.png - looping status

iterate-loop terminated

node2.png - terminated loop status

iterate-loop output

node-output.png - output from debug messages

iterate-loop properties

node-output.png - configuration properties of the node


Apache 2.0.

Node Info

Version: 0.0.2
Updated 4 years, 6 months ago
License: Apache-2.0
Rating: not yet rated





6 in the last week


  • iterate-loop


  • node-red
  • loop
  • iterate
  • cycle
