node-red-contrib-google-sheets-advance 0.0.7

Nodered node for reading, writing, appending, clearing, adding, and removing sheets

npm install node-red-contrib-google-sheets-advance

Google Sheets Logo node-red-contrib-google-sheets-advance

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A versatile Node-RED node for interacting with Google Sheets, supporting features like reading, writing, appending, clearing, adding, and removing sheets.

Table of Contents


Install via nodered pallete or run the following command in the root directory of your Node-RED install

npm install node-red-contrib-google-sheets-advance


Configure the node with your Google service account credentials and the desired method (e.g., get, update, append, clear, add sheet).

For detailed instructions on setting up authentication, sheet IDs, and cell references, refer to the Auth, Sheets, and Cells sections below.


Follow these steps to set up authentication:

  1. Create a new service account from Google Cloud Console.
  2. Download the JSON credentials file for the service account.
  3. Give the service account access to the Google Sheets API.
  4. Share your sheet with the email address of the service account (e.g., [email protected]).


To find the sheet ID:

  • Open your Google Sheet.
  • Copy the ID from the URL (e.g.,


Referencing cells in Google Sheets:

  • The format is Sheet1!A1:C3, where Sheet1 is the sheet name, ! indicates the cell range, and A1:C3 specifies the cells.
  • A range of cells can be a row (e.g., A1:A5), a column (e.g., A1:E1), or a block (e.g., A1:C3).

Add/Remove Sheet

Adding and Remove a Sheet

To add/remove a sheet from the workbook, simply pass the desired name for the sheet to be added/removed from the workbook in msg.cells.


This tool is built upon code references and inspiration from the node-red-contrib-google-sheets repository. We acknowledge and appreciate the contributions of the original authors and maintainers of that repository.

Future Plans

Our future plans for this tool include:

  • Enhancing user interface for better usability.
  • Adding support for additional Google Sheets API functionalities.

Feature Requests

If you have any feature requests or suggestions, please open an issue on GitHub. We welcome your feedback and ideas!


For support or questions, you can contact us directly.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

Node Info

Version: 0.0.7
Updated 1 month ago
License: MIT
Rating: 5.0 4





47 in the last week


  • GSheetAdvance
  • gauthAdv


  • node-red
  • gsuite
  • google sheets
  • gSheetAdvance
  • googleapis
