node-red-contrib-godaddy 3.0.4

Use GoDaddy API to provides the ability to programmatically manage the full range of GoDaddy products and services.

npm install node-red-contrib-godaddy


It is based on GoDaddy and swagger-js.


Name - string

set a manuell name for the node. If no name is set, the node sets the selected operation name.

Container - string

The name of the container that will receive the GoDaddy API object. If no container is set, the node sets the selected API name.

Environment - enum

Selector for the GoDaddy Environment. Production or Operational Test and Evaluation.

API - enum

GoDaddy has a number of APIs that you can see more here.

API tag - enum

Preselector for the operation. Grouped by the 'tags' in each operation.

Operation - enum

Selector for the OpenAPI operation. The selection name is set by the 'summary'. Behind the selector field is the (unique) operation id. By mouse-over it will show the full operation Description.

Parameters depending

If the selected operation has parameters, they will be listed here. The description can be found by mouse-over the parameter name. If the parameter is required, it will be marked with a red star behind the name. For Json Objects with defined keys there will be 3 Buttons: 'set required' and 'set default' will build a json-object with the correct key names and the necessary type info as the value. 'show keys' show all possible key parameters with additional info by mouse-over the key name.


Container - object

Returns the complete GoDaddy API object.


For authentification you can get your token here.

This token has to be set into msg.sso_key.

Error handling

This handles how to react if the server returns a http status of 4xx or 5xx. You can find the last server response in msg.response.

Standard - string

The flow will move on normally so you can choose how to handle this within your flow.

Other output - string

The flow will move on in a second output.

Throw exception - string

The flow will throw an exception. This exception can be catched by the 'catch' node.

Collection Info

Node Info

Version: 3.0.4
Updated 3 years, 3 months ago
License: MIT
Rating: 5.0 1




1 in the last week


  • godaddy


  • node-red
  • godaddy
  • GoDaddy
  • godaddy api
  • GoDaddy Api
  • swagger
  • swagger client



  • Carin Caputo