node-red-contrib-flow-splitter 2.0.2

Split your flows.json file in individual YAML or JSON files (per tab, subflow and config-node).

npm install node-red-contrib-flow-splitter


Node-RED plugin to split your flows.json file in individual YAML or JSON files (per tab, subflow and config-node).


This plugin is useful if you regularly work with Node-RED in the project mode.

It will make the diffs of your version control much more controlled and readable :

  • The user will be able to commit files individually
  • The nodes are ordered alphabetically with their id

NB: You should add the flows.json (or its equivalent given in the package.json) to your project .gitignore file.


This plugin does not modify Node-RED core behavior. Node-RED core will still compile the flows into the JSON file stipulated in the package.json.

The code is executed at each start of the flows, i.e. a start of Node-RED or a "deploy" action.

It will take the running JSON file used by Node-RED specified in the Node-RED package.json (flows.json by default) and create all files in the directory src (by default) and their sub-directories : tabs, subflows and config-nodes at the root of the Node-RED userDir or the active project folder.

The plugin will generate a configuration file .config.flow-splitter.json at the root of the Node-RED userDir or the active project folder.

Default configuration file =

  "fileFormat": "yaml",
  "destinationFolder": "src",
  "tabsOrder": []

You can freely edit the config file, the changes are taken into account at the next restart of the flows.

  • fileFormat: parsing language for your split source files (either yaml or json)
  • destinationFolder: path where to create the tabs, subflows and config-nodes sub-directories
  • tabsOrder: position of each tab (ordered array of the Ids of each tab node)

Node Info

Version: 2.0.2
Updated 3 months, 2 weeks ago
License: Apache-2.0
Rating: 5.0 1





6 in the last week


  • node-red
  • flows
  • tabs
  • split
  • splitter
  • flows-split
  • tabs-split
  • flow-splitter
  • tabs-splitter
  • version-control
  • git
  • diff
  • svn
  • ide
  • editor
  • code
