node-red-contrib-flow-dispatcher 0.0.3
Node-Red nodes for reading and writing Node-Red flows
A collection of Node-RED nodes to read and write Node-RED flows.
Use npm command to install this package locally in the Node-RED modules directory
npm install node-red-contrib-flow-dispatcher
or globally install with the command
npm install -g node-red-contrib-flow-dispatcher
Nodes included in the package
flow reader Read Node-RED flows from user specified URL.
flow writer Write Node-RED flows to user specified URL.
flow cloner Read Node-RED flows from localhost and write to user specified URL.
flow communicator Dispatch user specified sheet to destination NodeRed server and listen for return data from dispatched flows.
delegate input Will be replaced by a configured ready websocket-in node while flow is dispatched by flow communicator node.
delegate output Will be replaced by a configured ready websocket-out node while flow is dispatched by flow communicator node.
Usage example
Click the button on the inject node, flow-reader node or flow-cloner node to trigger the dispatching process.
Click the button on communicator node will dispatch user specified sheet to destination host and replace delegate input/output nodes with configured ready websocket in/out nodes.
Click button on the inject node connected with communicator node will inject a string value to communicator node and the value will be passed to the remote dispatched flow by the communicator node.
If "Inject once at start/deploy?" is checked in flow-reader or flow-cloner node, the flow will start to execute once it is successfully deployed or Node-Red server starts.
"name":"Customized process",
"func":"msg.payload = \"return from FOO\";\nreturn msg;",
"sheet":"Sheet 2",
"payload":"input string",
"sheet":"Sheet 1",
"sheet":"Sheet 2",
- 0.0.1 - October 2015 : Initial Release.
- 0.0.2 - November 2015 : Add flow-communicator, delegate-input and delegate-output nodes.
- 0.0.3 - November 2015 : Fix issue about fail to send return message from remote NodeRed flow dispatched by communicator node.
- Neo Lo (
Copyright 2014, 2015 ADVANTECH Corp. under the Apache 2.0 license.