node-red-contrib-example-lower-case-mmm 1.0.0
The error message missing 'node-red' keyword indicates that your package.json file is missing a required field that tells the npm registry and the Node-RED ecosystem that this package is a Node-RED node.
The error message missing 'node-red' keyword indicates that your package.json file is missing a required field that tells the npm registry and the Node-RED ecosystem that this package is a Node-RED node.
Fixing the Error You need to add the node-red keyword in the keywords array of your package.json file. This keyword is necessary for your package to be recognized as a Node-RED node.
Here's how to do it:
Open your package.json file in a text editor.
Add the node-red keyword in the keywords array, if it doesn't already exist. Your package.json might look something like this:
json Copy code { "name": "node-red-contrib-example-lower-case-m", "version": "1.0.0", "description": "An example Node-RED node to transform text to lower case", "main": "nodes/lower-case.js", "scripts": { "test": "echo "Error: no test specified" && exit 1" }, "keywords": [ "node-red", "lowercase", "example" ], "node-red": { "nodes": { "lower-case": "nodes/lower-case.js" } }, "author": "Your Name [email protected]", "license": "MIT" } Save the package.json file.
Publish your package again to npm by running:
bash Copy code npm publish Explanation The keywords array helps with the discoverability of your package. By including "node-red" in this array, you're tagging your package as a Node-RED component. The "node-red" field under "node-red" in the package.json file is required to specify the node's configuration, including the main JavaScript file for your node. Re-Publish After Fix Once you've made these changes and re-published, the warning should disappear, and your package should be correctly identified as a Node-RED node both in npm and in the Node-RED flow library.