node-red-contrib-evrythng 0.1.1
Node-RED module to access the EVRYTHNG API.
A simple Node-RED node that performs read or write requests on a Property of a Thng with the EVRYTHNG IoT Platform (free developers accounts!).
To install the module, you can either install it locally within your node-RED user data directory (by default, $HOME/.node-red
cd $HOME/.node-red
npm install npm install node-red-contrib-evrythng
or globally alongside Node-RED:
sudo npm install -g node-red-contrib-evrythng
You can send a payload to the node including Thng, key and value to update the Property of an existing Thng:
"key" : "temperature",
"value" : 10
"thng" : "76a267a7e4c3a4cfcca9b9ac"
Alternatively, you can set the Thng, key and value in the node configuration
The node sends a message to:<msg.payload.thng>/properties
And the payload that is sent ends up in the format:
"key" : <code>msg.payload.key</code>,
"value" : <code>msg.payload.value</code>