node-red-contrib-envisalink-ademco 1.1.1

Honeywell Ademco alarm system support for node-red using the EnvisaLink module

npm install node-red-contrib-envisalink-ademco

Node-RED Modbus License Standard - JavaScript Style Guide NPM version


Ademco alarm systems integration with Node-RED using the EnvisaLink hardware.

This node allows you to listen to state changes in your Honeywell Ademco alarm as well as sending commands such as arming and disarming of your alarm.


Run the following command in the root directory of your Node-RED install

npm install node-red-contrib-envisalink-ademco

Run the following command for global install

npm install -g node-red-contrib-envisalink-ademco

How to use

The output node, with which you send commands, takes a raw TPI command as a string. Please refer to the TPI documentation for a full list of commands. For example, to arm partition 1 using the code 9999 you would use the command '99992' to arm. And '99991' to disarm. All commands sent to the Ademco are as if you were typing directly on the remove alarm keypad.

Flow example credit goes to Patrik Akerfeldt Flow Example


Chris Thierman

based on DSC version by:

Patrik Ã…kerfeldt


  • based on work by [Patrik Akerfeldt]
  • based on work from NodeAlarmProxy.

Node Info

Version: 1.1.1
Updated 5 years, 5 months ago
License: Apache-2.0
Rating: not yet rated





5 in the last week


  • envisalink-controller
  • envisalink in
  • envisalink out


  • node-red
  • ademco
  • honeywell
  • alarm
  • envisalink
