node-red-contrib-ecb-euro-exchange-rates 1.0.1

Node-RED node to access the Euro Exchange Rates by ECB

npm install node-red-contrib-ecb-euro-exchange-rates

Node-RED plugin to retrieve Euro foreign exchange reference rates from an API provided by the European Central Bank.

Based on my ecb-euro-exchange-rates module.

This serves as my “hello world” to learn how to build Node RED nodes. Most steps are simply following the “Create your first node” tutorial, additionally I used the @types/node-red to write this in TS.


Use a current version of Node.js. Install the dependencies, run the tests, and compile the TypeScript code with yarn or npm:

$ yarn
$ yarn test
$ yarn build

Releasing to NPM

Commit all changes and run the following:

$ npm login
$ npm version <update_type>
$ npm publish

… where <update_type> is one of patch, minor, or major. This will update the package.json, and create a tagged Git commit with the version number.

Copyright Philipp Katz, 2019

Node Info

Version: 1.0.1
Updated 5 years, 3 months ago
License: MIT
Rating: not yet rated




1 in the last week


  • node-red
  • euro
  • currency
  • rates
  • ecb
  • typescript
